Don't dumbass me

43 11 0

Arabella's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing at 9 am.

Ugh. Who's this dipshit ruining my sleep?

I groan and check the caller ID.

Atticus Preston.

He better have a good reason for calling.

"This better be good."

Atticus laughs, "Come to the park."

"What? Right now?" I ask him tiredly.

"Yes. And if you don't then you'll regret it." Atticus says sternly before ending the call.

I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After bathing, I put on a casual floral dress and some white flats.

I grab my phone and my car keys and start driving to the park.

Once I arrive, a message from Atticus pops up.

Go to the slide rn.

I sigh and send a quick reply.

K fine. But this better be worth it.

It is or um it will be soon enough

"Arabella!" someone calls out from behind the slide.


Ok now I'm confused.

He hands me a gigantic teddy bear, "Go to the swings."

Before I could pester him with questions, he turns and walks away.

"What is happening?" I ask myself as I make my way over to the swings where Oliver sat.

He hands me a box of chocolates and  bouquet of flowers.

He turns to leave when call out his name, "Oliver! What am supposed to do with these?"

A look of realization crosses his face, "Oh yeah, I totally forgot. Go to the monkey bars. Bye!"

I start walking to the other side of the park where the monkey bars were located.

They made me go all around the park and now my feet kinda hurt. Don't blame me, I'm not an athletic person okay.

I see Blaise and Atticus sitting on the grass holding two boxes.

"Hey Arabella!" Blaise greets.

Well at least he said hi.

"Why am I here?"

"You drove yourself here dumbass." Atticus says smirking.

"Don't dumbass me." I say glaring at the boy on the ground.

Blaise laughs and hands me the boxes, "Anyway, wear this tonight, at seven pm you must be ready."

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