Coco, my puppy

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An hour after waking up, Oliver and Blaise finally rescue the two from the bathroom.

"What took so long?" Mike asks Oliver.

The ginger shrugs, "Blaise was the only one who had a spare key to your house and when we got the news that you were stuck, well let's just say we couldn't find him until this morning."

Arabella listened in on their conversation. She walked over to where Blaise was.

"Where were you last night?"

Blaise smiles brightly, "I was hanging out with my bestie."

"Well if you were with Amelia then why couldn't they find you?" Arabella asks.

"Amelia is my best friend. I was hanging out with my bestie." Blaise says emphasizing the words 'best friend' and 'bestie.'

Arabella rolls her eyes, "Potato, po-tah-toe. Same difference."

"No it's not." Blaise insists.

Arabella lets Blaise win, "Fine then. If Amelia is your best friend, then who's your bestie?"

Blaise gives her a goofy grin, "Coco, my puppy."

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