It's okay

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"You have pretty eyes." Arabella blurted out.

She looked into his eyes and saw his expression was intense, threatening even.

Arabella's heart was racing and for a moment, she thought he was going to get up and leave, but before she could ponder about it any further, he softly grabbed her face and covered her mouth with a gentle yet passionate kiss.

She responded immediately, tugging on his shirt and deepening the kiss.

His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than she could've ever imagined. He tasted tentively with his tongue, and Arabella parted her lips with a low moan.

Suddenly, Mike pulled away from Arabella.

Mikes eyes grew wide, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It was a mistake. I promise it won't happened again."

"It's okay." Arabella says, still processing everything that happened.

He took my first kiss. It was amazing, addicting, intense...but a mistake. He said it was a mistake. Is that all I will ever be to him? A mistake?

She turns around, not ready to face the regret she expected to see in his eyes.

Arabella was desperate, she stayed up all night wishing Mike's heart was racing as fast as hers or he was feeling anything akin to the hot fire of desire that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

The Worst Roadtrip EverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora