This is gonna be the worst roadtrip ever

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Arabella raises her right eyebrow and places her hands on her hips.

Mike awkwardly laughs "Hehe, I can explain..."

"Please do." Arabella says calmly.

"I erm...Uhh...Umm..." Mike scratches his head nervously.

"So?" Arabella asks, getting impatient.

"I blame them!" Mike shouts.

"Blame who exactly?" she asks, suspecting her best friends.

Mike shrugs but tells her anyways "Quinn, Avery and Clark forced me to do this."

She lets out a frustrated sigh and calls her crazy friends.

Clark picks up to hear the angry voice of Arabella.

"What the hell guys?!"

Clark giggles "I guess you found him then."

"Clark, explain to me right now why Mike Thorne is here." Arabella says angrily.

"Because you drove him there. Duh!" Clark laughs, annoying her friend even more.

"Clark I swear-"

Clark quickly cuts off her best friend "Dude talk to Amelia, I gotta go get me some food!"

"What the hell Clark!"

"Hi Bells!" Amelia chirps.

"Did you know about this?" Arabella asks the girl.

"Of course I did! Anyway, you can't bring him back here or send him back. You two have to go on the roadtrip together." Amelia says giggling loudly.

"You expect me to listen to you because?" Amelia could hear the smirk in Arabella's voice.

"Silly girl, of course we have something to blackmail you with. If you don't listen to us, we will post that video of you drunk dancing and singing." Amelia says seriously before ending the call.

Mike hops into the passenger's seat and grins widely.

"Guess we're going on a roadtrip together."

Arabella groans "This is gonna be the worst roadtrip ever."

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