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Mike shivered as he sat on the cold, hard floor while Arabella took the warm bed.

"Arabella please let me stay there. I'm sorry." Mike says for the thirteenth time that night.

Arabella looks at him as she bites her lower lip, "Fine."

Mike's grin was as wide as a five year old's who had received a new toy.

He hopped in the right side of the bed while Arabella moved to the left.

Arabella feels Mike shuffle closer before she could feel his warm breath tickling the back of her neck.

"Arabella." Mike whispers.


"I'm sorry." Arabella could hear the sincerity in his voice which made her turn around and face him.

Arabella notices that their faces were only mere inches apart. She looked at him to see that he was intently staring at her.

Arabella felt awkward since no one has ever looked at her that way before. She started feeling self conscious but couldn't look away once their eyes had met.

Arabella, like most girls, liked Mike. After all, what was there not to like? He was tall, kind, charming, loyal, intelligent, athletic, handsome... And then there was her. Dull, plain, boring her.

She was never an honor student, she wasn't the most beautiful too, she was short, she was an average girl.

How could Mike like someone like her? They were total opposites.

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