I'm claustrophobic

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"Where are you taking me?" Arabella asks Quinn who was dragging her into the bathroom of Mike.

Quinn and Avery decided to bring Arabella with them to hang out in Mike's house. Avery mischievously asked Mike to see if there was something wrong with his bathroom. Of course Mike fell for it, thinking the toilet was clogged.

Quinn smiles as she pushes Arabella into the bathroom Mike was in. The two teens in the bathroom look at Quinn confused.

Mike is about to say something when Quinn slams the door shut and locks it. She smirks at Avery, "Lucky for us, this guest bathroom locks on the outside."

In the bathroom, Mike reacts first "What the hell did they just do?"

Arabella stares wide eyed at the wooden door, "They locked us in. Oh gosh. No, no, no, no."

Mike gently pats her back, "Calm down."

"Too small, too small. Gonna be trapped here forever." Arabella starts to panic.

"What's happening?" Mike asks, not sure about what was going on.

"I'm claustrophobic." Arabella says, covering her face with her hands.

"What the- What am I supposed to do?! Are you okay? Quinn open the door!" Mike panics.

Arabella suddenly bursts out laughing. Mike looks at her confused.

"You fell for it! Hahaha."

Realization dawns on Mike, "How dare you! I was really worried."

This shuts Arabella up and for the rest of that hour, nobody makes a sound.

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