Let me at him! Let me at him!

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Arabella looked at her friends sadly, "The details don't matter."

"Of course they do!" Avery argues stubbornly.

Arabella breaks down, "H-he t-to-took my fi-fir-first k-kiss and it me-meant the w-wor-world to me. B-but he said it w-was a-a m-mi-mistake."

Clark hugs her friend, trying to comfort her.

Amelia, still kind of sleepy, takes a bit of time to process Arabella's story.

"He did what?!" Amelia exclaims after a while, "That little git is gonna get some horrible scolding!" {a/n- lol hehehe}

Quinn tries to make Amelia calm down but the girl was angrier than a mom who's newly mopped floors got muddy.

"Let me at him! Let me at him!" Amelia yells, trying to reach for her phone.

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