Forty Six

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So Mic, what are you doing on this last day of winter break, the only day of relaxation you will ever truly get until spring break? Glad you asked, I've been stressing myself out for finals. Mic, are you dumb, that sounds like the worst idea you've ever come up with, and you thought you could get people to read your stories. Harsh, but not wrong. See my school is different than the others, they thing that prolonging finals until two weeks after winter break is a great idea. But Mic, you get more time to study. Have you met me? Procrastination is my art, if I could make money off of it do you know how rich I would be? But why don't you just stu-- Let me stop you right there, I don't know how to study. I Mic Procrastination Last Name do not know how to study. I've never done it, I've never needed to do it. The closest I came to studying was learning a states and capitals song for my test. I'm a generally smart person on my own. I have all As except for a B in cooking class and I didn't study. I guess what I'm trying to say is HeLp Me I'm DyInG oF sTrEsS. Mic, that's a real problem you know, don't overwork yourself. Don't worry I'm not doing any work, just looking at finals week memes and crying. Why don't you destress yourself by writing. That's not a word and I probably will when the time comes. Can I just ask why they made the Novella contest in the middle of winter? Like why not in the summer. Oh wait, I'm busy then too. Well, that's all for my finals rant and I'm sorry  to those who already had them. You guys are troopers.

Bye?- Mic

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