T͙w͙e͙n͙t͙y͙ T͙w͙o͙

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Pine trees are the easiest thing to climb. How do I know this? Well you know that chapter where I snuck out? Yeah I kinda did that again. My parents were awake this time so I had to be extra quiet. Anyways, about the pine tree thing, I was walking my dog earlier this week and I noticed a giant pine tree in my neighborhood. I've had experience climbing pine trees from when I was little. Long story short, I snuck out so I could climb the tree. I wasn't wearing all black this time but I still looked hella suspicious. I mean who doesn't when they are climbing through a window. Also I snuck out like hella early like 10:30 and so cars were still driving around and one saw me. What doesn't help is the fact that my name was printed in giant white letters on the back of my hoodie. I doubt anyone will say anything though. The view was amazing, I could see the moon shining through the silhouette of the pine tree branches. It was magical. I think it's almost comical that I snuck in and out of the house while my dad was in the room outside of my room. I can imagine like a sitcom or cartoon scene like that. Am I proud of myself? Yes very.

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