Thirty Six

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So salty but it's cool. Yesterday I had to walk home because our car broke down but that's not really the reason, more like the cherry on top of the mound of salt. I'm salty because of someone named Abifail. Ok not really her name but I'd like to keep it that way. I'm in choir, nothing new, and she's the section leader. Section leaders are people who audition and get chosen based off of how well they can do musical theory and sight read. So she's not a complete idiot except for the fact that she got it by default because my entire section sucks. I didn't audition but she's better than me. Anyways the section leaders assign our parts within our parts, like Alto 1 high and Alto 1 low. At camp, I wanted to be a low so I could be on the same part as my friend but she knew that and made me a high and herself a low. A fitting part for someone as spazzy as me. Recently, however, we got a new song which we needed to be into highs and lows for. Apparently, no one remembers their part even though it was pretty self explanatory. I'm a high, I've always been a high but all of a sudden, everyone's singing the high part. The high part is easier, just saying so I didn't mind much that I was given the high part at camp so who are all these fake highs singing my part. I don't hear a single note of harmony so where are the Alto 1 lows? Our conductor gets mad at us because all the lows are faking that they don't remember their part even the damn section leader. He then makes Abifail give us the parts again and you know where she puts me?

As a low. With my friend. So I get what I want? Kind of not really. I just wanted to keep my part so I didn't have to learn a new one. yep. I'm refraining from swearing since I'm writing this as school but basically she talks to my other friend after and you know what she says? She admits that she changed her part to high so she could have the easier part. Let me stab a bitch please. I'm walking to the car and the conductor says, "I see you stepping up a little bit, I'm proud of you". This sets me off just a little bit. I reply, "Thanks, I even took the low part because Abifail is being a butt". I would've sworn but he's kind of my conductor, I cant do that. Yeah, I actually said that, you're welcome. I legit just want to be a section leader next year so I can crush her. I just can't stand being oppressed and not being able to do a thing about it. I want to watch her crash and burn. So anyways, we have choir today again and I will be better than her and she will be lost in my shadow. So yeah the bell's going to ring so so I'll wrap it up. Abifail, if you ever see this, I will memorize Ding Dong Merrily On High before you.

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