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I sit cuddled with Rhaegal and Viserion. I tell them the story of how I came to meet Jon Snow. They tell me that he seemed like a good and worthy man. "That he was." I say.
I lie sleep with the dragons and I am awoken by booming sounds of  attack. The ground shakes with each boom. I rub my eyes as I stand. The dragons roar. They work hard at escaping out the building. After a moment they succeeded. I walk out of the rubble with them. Just in time to see my dear sister riding over us on her largest dragon. My nephews told me of Drogo. He was named after he husband Khal Drogo. He is to be his reincarnation. She rides out to the sea. My nephews follow. I run back to the city. I find the sons of Harpy being attack and slaughtered by a Dothraki army. 100% my sisters doing. I watch as Drogo burns the armada under my sisters command. "It's beautiful." I whisper. She's amazing. Too finally see my nephews in action. It's glorious. All the men burning under their fire.
"Ramsay is lucky that your wife isn't here. She'd kill him slow. She'd burning him slowly starting with his feet. She'd chop his cock off bit my bit and feed it to him. And I don't over exaggerate when I say this." Tormund says. "You're right." I chuckle. "She'd bring a slow painful death for anyone who even thought ill of me from miles away." I miss her.
My sister walks out from the pyramid to finally see me. I dance with her dragons once again. But not Drogo. Him and I haven't had the pleasure yet. I turn and see my sister. She watches with wonder as I dance through their fires. "Daenerys." I smile. I run to her and she runs to me. It feels good to hug my big sister. To see her for the first time in my life. I cry. When we pull back I see that she does two. "Y/n." She smiles. "Sister." She looks at my hair touching it. "It's so good to see you." "But how?" She asks. "Mother had a feeling that something bad was coming so she sent me away for my protection. She was right." I say. After a short chat. I hear the dragons. "It's Rhaegal and Viserion. They ask me to tell you how happy they are that you're back. They also ask me to tell you much they did not like being in that dungeon." She looks amazed. "You can hear them?" "Yes. They have told me a lot. About you and your story. They have also taught me to grow my fire stronger." "Your fire?" "Did they not tell you? I am blessed with the dragons fire." "What does that mean?" I hold up a finger. I face away from her. "Drogo!" I call out. He doesn't come down. "He doesn't know me yet. "Can you call him for me please?" I ask. "Drogo!" She calls. He lands in front of me. He stands full of pride. I do to. I stare him down as he does me. He roars. And so do I. My roar is just as loud if not louder. He breath fire at me. I hold my arms up in an x to try and save my dress. It burns some at the bottom. He looks smug. I chuckle. "My turn." I breath the brightest and biggest fire yet. I don't aim at him I aim near him as a warning. He bows in submission.  "No need for such formalities." I speak in dragon. I run to my sister. "You have the abilities of a dragon." "Minus flight." I chuckle. "What was that language you spoke to him?" She asks as we walk. "I spoke the tongue of dragons." I tell her. "Can you teach me?" "No. It is not something you can teach someone it's a language you are born with. After I speak it all memory of how the words are said are forgotten."

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