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As we walk out of the cave Jon speaks. "Why did they call you our dragon lady?" "I cannot answer that question now." "Okay... how the hell do they know you." I turn to Jon. "All will be explained soon enough just wait... please." I gaze into his eyes. "Okay." He sighs kissing my forehead. We head out and my hand rest on his upper arm like a lady. We head into Mances tent and I say some hellos on the way. "Ah Mance." I smile walking in. "Finally you're done." He hugs me. "So you've married the bastard." "I have." "Is the fire still burning strong?" "I think so. Haven't breathed in a while." "Why not?" "Haven't needed to."... "but now. With the white walkers... I'll need it more than ever." "You've seen them." "Yes. Killed about 5 maybe 7." "I've also noticed your black hair. Smart girl to hide the true color." "Yes it was the crow commanders idea." "Nice to see that fool can have some good ideas." Jon finally speaks. "Breath fire?" He asks. "Ah you didn't know your own wife can breath fire. Just like a dragon." Rattleshirt Says. "Ever wondered why her skins always warm to the touch. Not ever a part of her that wasn't radiating heat like a furnace." Tormund says in a suggestive way. "I don't believe it." He stands. "Show me." He says. "Jon. It doesn't work like that. I can't do it with out something angering me. Something driving me deeply to do it. I have to have a true need for it." I explain. "Why." "I don't know." Tormund puts a hand in Jon's shoulder. "Trust me lad. She's tough but she's not a liar." "This Targaryen doesn't lie."

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