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We head out of the walls. I ride close to Jon. We travel to some guys house. At night me and Jon find ways to cuddle. When we get to his house it's full of women. I wear padded nights-watch gear. My hair done like a guy and war paint on. All the girls are his daughters and his wives. It's disgusting. Me and Jon sleep together.

Jon snuck out in the night and found the man leaving the baby out in the woods because it's a boy. He swears he saw something take that baby from where the man left him. The man caught him watching and now we've been kicked out.

We've been traveling for days. Jon is sent out to take down the wildlings with the rangers. I hold my bow close. I'm the best damn shot in the land. By God's if anyone try's me I'll put an arrow in their skull.

Jon and the others have not returned yet and commander said to assume they're dead. I refuse to just assume he's dead. I wait until nightfall. I take a few days good and I sneak off the way Jon went. I find where there was once a fire. Must have been their camp. I set camp there myself for the night. I am awoken in the night. I hear marching. I stay low and peer over the edge of the rock. "By the gods." I whisper. White walkers. I am frozen with fear and I watch them travel bellow me. They head in the direction of our camps. I hear something behind me. It's a white walker. He must have seen my fire. I scramble to my feel and quickly dip my arrow head in the fire. I am quick to put and arrow through his head. There are two more behind him. I dip two arrows and load them both. There aren't anymore behind them. I set one more flaming arrow and out out the fire. I walk down the cliff side and stay low. Ready to shoot anything that moves. They have passed. I hear a crunch of snow behind me. I turn aiming immediately for the head. "Wait!" He says. It's a wildling. I give him and eye. "Please sir don't kill me." He says. "Hush now they'll hear you." I whisper yell. "You're a girl." I glare at him. "They don't have girl crows." "I am, y/n Snow." "You're a bastard?" He asks. "No. I am the bastards wife." "Jon Snow?" He asks. "Yes." "I was with the ones that took him." I step closer ready to put an arrow through him. "Wait please no... I can take you to our camp. I know where they took him." I clench my jaw. "Fine." I lower my arrow. I put it out in the snow. "But you try anything... I'll stick this pretty blade." I gesture to my sword. "Up your ass and slowly carve up to your balls." He gulps. "I won't I promise."

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