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I track them well. The man tells me we grow closer to the camp each day. We've encountered 3 white walkers on our travels. I killed all three.
We make it there. I can see the camp. We stand on a large cliff overlooking the place. We manage to sneak closer. I scan their faces for Jon. I see Jon and some girl heading towards a cave. "Who's that girl." I growl. "Ygritte. She's our best bows men. But she's not nearly as good as you." I growl and slide down the side of the hill. I do a roll and land on my feet. I walk angrily into the cave. I look around the corner and she has just dropped her last piece of clothes to the floor. I clench my jaw. I draw an arrow and put an arrow right through the hand she reaches out to Jon. She screams. I step into the room. Jon turns to me. "Y/n!" He looks so happy he could cry. "Jon." I smile." "You bitch." Ygritte says. "You put an arrow through my hand." "I'm glad, that's what I was aiming for. You're lucky I didn't put one through your skull." I stand in front of her. My dagger drawn. I place my dagger under her chin. Forcing her to look up at me. "I don't need a filthy whore like you laying a finger on my husband." "Crows aren't aloud to marry." She growls. "This one was." I remove my dagger and make a small, yet deep, cut across her cheek. She holds her cut and look at me. "I'll kill you for this." She says. I place my hand around my sword handle. "I'd love to see you try." I growl. "Y/n." Jon says. I don't look away from her. "She saved my life." "I don't care." I growl. "She tried to fuck you." I clench my jaw. "And that is unforgivable." I shove her undergarments in her hands. But not her other clothes. I drop those in the fire. I strip myself of my clothes. I can feel her and Jon's eyes on me. I turn to her. "Be gone whore. You aren't needed here." She wants to say something but she leaves. I let out a sigh of relief and turn to Jon. He's already begun removing his clothes. He doesn't hesitate to rush to me. He grabs my hips pulling me close to him. He places a hand on my face kissing me with more passions than ever. His large hands run all over me. We get into the warm water. He lifts my legs around his waist. He kisses down my neck and makes quick work of sticking his cock in me. I moan as loud as I want as he fucks me like it's been years. "Jon!" I moan. My nails digging into his back. My fingers grip his hair. "Fuck." I moan. I open my eyes to see Ygritte and other wildlings marching in. I can't contain my moan as they enter. I tap on Jon. He stops and pants as he looks at them. He doesn't pull out of me. I quickly reach behind me grabbing my bow. I aim an arrow. "You'd be smart to turn your sorry asses around and let a woman get her much needed release."  I finally take a good look at the men who have come in with the whore. "Y/n!" Says cheerfully. "Our dragon lady has returned." Rattleshirt says. "Ah we missed you girl!" Tormund says. Jon looks at me really confused. "My friends as much as I'd love to talk... a women as some business to finish. I roll my hips and Jon groans. "Ah yes we shall talk later." Mance chuckles. "Well you heard the man leave the girl to her business!" Tormund says. They all began to leave and Ygritte hesitates. Rattleshirt takes a strong grip on her arm. "You'd be wise not to fuck with this woman." He whisper in here ear.

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