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I travel to a small fishing village. There I dye my hair. I find a boat and cross the sea. I end up at Braavos. I travel between Pentos and Novoros. I hear talk that my sister is in Meereen. I make it to Meereen after a long, long, long time. (It's about when she has just left) I get there and I have to convince them to let me in. I am met with a dwarf. Tyrion Lannister. A bald man. Varys. And an unsullied along with a beautiful woman. They watch as I wash the dye out of my hair. I show them my fire breathing. It wasn't hard to do. I only need to think of what happened to Jon. Missandei helped me find a dress. They make me at home tell me of everything that has happened. "How come no one knows of you?" They ask me. "My mother... when I was born she knew that bad things were coming so she sent me away to protect me."
They let me visit the dragons. They breath fire as a warning at me. So in return I breath my fire at them. They immediately bow they're heads in submission.

I decide to stay and keep the dragons company. They understand me. I play with them. Eat with them. Train with them. They help my fire grow stronger and larger. "I lost him my nephews." I pet their heads. "The love of my life." They lick me. Cuddle me. Comfort me. I can speak to them. Understand them. They tell me of how they miss their mother. "I know I do to."
I dance with the dragons. I weave in and out of their flames. They teach me. All that they know I know. They help me to become stronger with my weakness. They'd help me overcome my sadness and fears. They teach me to be one with myself and my fire. They teach me to control it to tame it. They teach me wisdom. They make me a better person.
Eddie, Sansa, Podrick, Tormund, Brianne and I sit and eat. "So Sansa." I say. "Married twice already?" "Two times as more than you." She laughs. "You haven't told her Jon?" Eddie asks. "Told me what?" Sansa asks. "I'm married." I say so low I thought not even the gods could hear it. "Where is she?" Sansa asks. "No one knows." I say. "After they killed Jon they took turns raping her and forced her to look at his dead body as they did. His death was too much for her so she left. She said this place reminded her too much of Jon." Tormund says. "She's a great woman." Eddie says. "She's the sister to Daenerys Stormborn. She's a fire breather." Tormund says. "Fire breather?" Sansa asks. "It's true." I say. "She used it to protect me countless times and she used it to help us fight the white walkers." I say. "I truly love her. I do." I say. I look at Sansa. "She'll come back." Sansa says. "She'll have to hear of your living at some point and come for you." Sansa hopes. "And if not?" I ask. "We'll find her ourselves."

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