Chapter 14 🖤🎈

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Marie Cousins P.O.V
"I should go." I said.

"Okay. Will you still walk with me tomorrow?" Eddie asked.

"Yes of course." I replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before I left. I walked back to my house, and ran up to my room right away.
I touched my necklace, but didn't take it off. It feels wrong to wear it, but I love it so much. I decided to dial Beverly's number.

"Hello?" A male voice said.
"Um is Bev around?" I said into the phone, almost in tears.
"Who's this?"
"Beverly's friend, Marie."
"Bev isn't home right now."
"Okay bye."

I put the phone back, and put my head in my pillow. I looked at my alarm clock.


I went down to the kitchen, and I saw a note from my parents.

Eddie Kaspbrak P.O.V
I saw Richie sitting on the front steps of my porch. My mom was in the kitchen, hopefully she didn't she didn't see anything that happened tonight. I opened the door, and sat next to Richie.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He gave me one look, and took off down the steps, and got on his bike, and took off down the road. I sighed, and picked up something he "dropped" or "forgot" and it was a folded piece of paper.

On one side, it said give this to Marie.

On the other side, it was a note.

Dear Marie,
I gave you this necklace, because I liked you. But if you want to be with Eddie, I respect that.
-Richie Toizer.

Marie Cousins P.O.V
I read the note from my parents.

Dear Marie,
We went over to the Denbrough place. Call Bill. We left you some dinner.
-Mom and Dad.

I grabbed a drink, and some leftovers, and sat on my couch, and turned on the T.V.
I heard a knock on they door. I looked through my peephole, and it was Eddie.

"Richie left this for you." Eddie said while handing me a piece of paper.

He walked back home after that. I shut the door, and read the note.

I dialed Richie's number into phone.

I could feel my hand shaking as the phone call went through.

"Hello?" Richie answered.

"Richie.. It's Marie. We need to talk."

It went silent.

"What about?"

"The note."

Richie hung up the phone.

I jumped as I heard the phone ring again.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Marie. It's Beverly."


"Are you okay?"

"Not really.

After I told her everything that happened with Eddie and the note from Richie, I heard my parents come in the door.

"I got to go Bev." I said quietly.

"Okay see you tommrow."

I slammed the phone back down on the hook.

"Who was that?" My dad asked.

"One of my friends." I replied.

"Listen we need to talk." My mom said.

"No, we don't."

"We're not moving."

Relief washed over me.


"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Fine. I'm just tired."

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