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Mia walked away from Dom after hugging him goodbye and made her way towards her older sister

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Mia walked away from Dom after hugging him goodbye and made her way towards her older sister. Mia looked at Eleanor with teary eyes before throwing her arms around her, Eleanor squeezing her back tightly. "Be safe."

"I will." Eleanor nodded her head, Mia sighing into her shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too." Mia pulled back from her, Eleanor wiping away the tear that ran down Mia's face.

Eleanor squeezed her hand one last time before making her way back towards Brian, getting in his car. Mia hugged Brian goodbye before he got in the car. Brian gave Eleanor a small smile before driving off after Dom. After long hours of travelling, they finally crossed the border.

The three waited in a clearing fro Gisele, Eleanor and Brian sitting on the hood of his car. His arm was wrapped around her, Eleanor leaning into his side. Dom stood up as Gisele drove towards them, getting out of her car. Dom walked up to her, meeting her halfway. "Thought you weren't gonna show up."

"You saved my life. I'm willing to return the favour." Gisele stated, Eleanor sending her a smile in greeting, one Gisele returned. "This will help you get to Braga." She handed Dom a piece of paper. "Dom, going in there is suicide."

"I have no choice." Dom replied as Brian pulled Eleanor closer to him.

Gisele sighed. "You must have loved her very much." She stood on the tips of her toes and kissed his cheek. "Buena Suerte."

Gisele sent one last smile to Eleanor, who returned it, before getting back in her car and driving off. Dom walked back over to his sister and Brian. "So, this is where my jurisdiction ends." Brian sighed.

Eleanor smiled and gently kissed his cheek as Dom smirked at them, holding the piece of paper up in the air. "And this is where ours begins."


Eleanor walked closely behind Brian and her brother as they entered the church. Brian kept his gun trained on Braga who was knelt in front of the cross. Eleanor kept her gun at her side as Dom pulled out his shot gun, holding it to Braga's head. "You ain't forgiven."

"You three want to arrest me?" Braga questioned as he looked at them in surprise. "Aqui dentro?"

Brian lowered his gun slightly. "No, we're beyond that."

"You can't buy your way out of this one." Dom smirked.

Braga looked to him. "Hermano, you and me. You and me, we're not so different. You're no hero."

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