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Eleanor chased after her older brother as midnight rolled around

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Eleanor chased after her older brother as midnight rolled around. The brunette latched onto Dom's wrist and pulled him around to face her. "Dom, don't do this." She pleaded, not letting her brother's glare intimidate her. "You're only gonna make this worse."

"Ellie, I'm doing this for both of us and Mia." Dom finally spoke.

Eleanor scoffed loudly at his words, looking at him in disbelief. When Dom tried to place his hand on her cheek, she stepped away from him and shook her head. "Don't give me that crap. You're doing this for you." Eleanor blinked away the tears as she gave a frustrated huff. "I have respected you and I haven't said shit. Now I'm asking you not to go."

"Eleanor -"

"Why are you insisting on doing this?" Eleanor exclaimed, cutting her brother off. "Dominic, please, just don't. Don't go. Please."

Dom sighed heavily before stepping closer to his sister and grabbing the back of her head as he kissed her forehead softly. Eleanor closed her eyes tightly, letting a tear roll down her cheek. "I love you." Dom said quietly before turning his back to her, walking to his car. Letty, Leon and Vince also got into their cars before they drove off, leaving the Toretto by herself.

Eleanor's chest heaved erratically as she stormed off, wiping at her cheeks angrily as she made her way away from the crowd of dancing people. "Eleanor." The brunette didn't turn her head as she heard Brian's footsteps near her. "El, what's going on?"

"What?" She asked as he walked beside her.

Eleanor sniffled as he followed her. "You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't." Eleanor scoffed as they continued to walk.

Brian shook his head. "What, you always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?"

"What is the matter with you?" Eleanor snapped as she turned her head to glare at him.

"Come on, what's your brother racing off in the middle of the night for?" Brian interrogated her, causing the brunette to shake her head softly. "You know about the trucks?"

The Toretto came to a quick stop, turning around to face her boyfriend. "No, Brian! What trucks?" She lied as she gave a frustrated sigh and turned around to walk away only to have Brian grab her arm and pull her back to him. "Jesus Christ, what?"

"Listen to me!" Brian snapped. "Eleanor, I'm a cop."

Eleanor's body tensed as she turned back around to face him, crossing them over her chest as she glared at the man in front of her. "What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?"

Brian's eyes softened as they darted between hers. "Ever since the first time I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop."

At that moment, her heart shattered into a million little pieces. He had lied to her, to everyone and they had all fallen for it. She had fallen for it. "Oh, you bastard. You bastard."

She ripped herself away from the man she thought she knew as she stormed away, trying to keep the tears at bay. Brian ran after her and grabbed her wrist again. "El -"

"Don't call me El, and get off me!" Eleanor snapped as she whipped around, slapping his hand away from her.

"Eleanor!" Brian called out to her as she hastily walked away from him, the blonde chasing after her once again, ignoring the pain in his heart. He stopped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders tightly. "Eleanor, listen to me! Everything I ever said I felt about you was real. I swear to God. You have to believe me, Eleanor. But this isn't about you and me. Your brother's out there about to pull a job and we're running out of time."

Eleanor hesitantly met his gaze, holding it as Brian continued. "Those truckers aren't lying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through the night. But every law enforcement agency is coming down on them. If you don't want anything to happen to your brother, to Letty, to Leon, to Vince, just get in that car with me right now and help me. Eleanor, you are the only person that can help me right now. Please, Eleanor. Please help me."

Brian looked at her pleadingly, her conflicted gaze staring back at him. He had broken her and her family. She couldn't trust him. But if it meant saving her family? Eleanor bit her lip and finally nodded her head. She would do this for her brother, for family.


Eleanor looked all over the map as she held it tightly in her hands, trying to determine her brother's whereabouts. "Civics are stashed somewhere outside of Thermal." She informed Brian.

Brian sighed as he glanced over to her. "And they wouldn't double back, plus Highway ten is too well patrolled. So, what does that leave us with?"

"All this." Her eyes darted back down to the map, sighing.

Brian pulled out his phone from his pocket, hitting a button and putting it up to his ear, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up. "Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Connor."

Eleanor looked to him, astounded. You've got to be fucking kidding. He lied about his own name.

"Serial number 34762." Brian continued. "I need a cell phone trace. Okay. Eleanor, what's the cell number?"

Eleanor ignored him as she bit her lip looking out the window, forcing her tears away. "Eleanor, what is it? Come on, El. She needs Dom's cell phone number now."

She turned back to face Brian, pulling the phone from his hand. She blinked as she breathed out shakily, keeping her eyes locked with Brian's. "323 - 555 - 6439."

Brian took the phone back from her, Eleanor shaking her head. "Thank you. Yeah, you get that?"

The car became silent once more, the only sound was the roar of the engine as they sped through the desert. Brian's phone rang and he quickly answered it, Eleanor hearing small talking from the other end before he hung up. "Let me see this."

Eleanor handed him the map that was placed in his lap, leaning closer to him in order to try and see where he was looking. "Alright, I think we're about forty miles away."

"What're you gonna do?" Eleanor cleared her throat. Brain remained silent as Eleanor pushed again. "What're you gonna do?"

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