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Eleanor got out of her brother's red Chevelle and motioned her head down the road towards the crime scene

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Eleanor got out of her brother's red Chevelle and motioned her head down the road towards the crime scene. "It's straight ahead."

Dom moved away from the car and walked towards where there was skid marks on the ground, Eleanor leaning against the hood of the car, letting out a sigh as she watched her brother. Dom looked around the scene, no doubt in Eleanor's mind that he was imagining what had happened that night. He crouched down to the ground, touching the road.

Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows before her brother stood up and walked back to the car. He got in, Eleanor following shortly after. Dom didn't waste any time before he took off, back towards the Toretto house. Dom pulled the car to a stop at the curb about three blocks from the house so he wouldn't be caught.

They sat there in silence for a bit before Eleanor cleared her throat lightly as she turned her head to face him. "You found something back there."

"There were burn marks on the ground." Dom told her, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "The kind that could only be caused by nitrometh. There's only one guy in all of LA that sells that."

Eleanor sighed, knowing who he was talking about. "I'm helping you."

"No you're not, it's too dangerous."

"I'm helping you whether you like it or not." Eleanor argued. "You know damn well that I am just as capable of doing this as you are." She reached over and placed her hand over his. "Dom, trust me, I can do this."

Dom sighed. "I know you can. That's what makes me worried. I don't want you to get hurt like last time."

"I know."

Dom shook his head. "Alright, get outta here. I don't want you to walk home any later than this."

Eleanor laughed slightly before kissing his cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too, Ellie."

Eleanor smiled at him before getting out of the car, closing the door behind her just as Dom drove off. She picked up her speed, in hopes of getting home quicker. She rounded the corner of her street, narrowing her eyes as she saw two police officers standing in front of a tired Mia, the brunette speeding up. "What the hell is going on here?"

One of the officers held up his badge as Eleanor stood beside Mia. "Ms Toretto. I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI. Let's you, your sister and I have a little chat."

Mia and Eleanor shared a look, the two nodding their heads as they got into the back seat of the police car. Eleanor smiled amused as she noticed Mia was still in her sleepwear and her hair was messy.


"Where is your brother?" Stasiak demanded for the upteenth time, becoming frustrated with the two women before him.

Mia sighed angrily. "Like we told you, we have no clue where he is."

The two were still in the interrogation room after being in there for twelve hours. They were tired, hungry and annoyed. Mia more than Eleanor seeing as she had been rudely woken up by them. Stasiak had been grilling them ever since they stepped foot into the FBI building.

"Bullshit!" Stasiak slammed his hand on the table, Mia flinching. Eleanor glared daggers at the man as he looked between the two. "Where s Toretto?"

"Do you not understand what we don't know means?" She snapped.

Before Stasiak could reply or interrogate them anymore, his phone buzzed. He glared at the two once more before stepping out of the room. Eleanor heard Mia let out a breath of relief, muttering under her breath. The door opened once again, Eleanor bracing herself to be yelled at again as footsteps approached them. "Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer."

Eleanor slowly looked up from her hands at the voice. She tensed as she saw it was Brian, Mia looking between the two awkwardly. Brian turned to the two and stepped towards them, looking down at the pair, his eyes locking with Eleanor's. "You want to come with me?"

Despite wanting to say no and never speak to him again, she didn't want to stay and get yelled at more by Stasiak. And the sooner they left, the sooner they got home and she knew how much Mia wanted to be at home. So she nodded her head and grabbed her bag, standing up. Mia stood up beside her as Eleanor smoothed down her dress.

Brian placed his hand on Eleanor's mid back without thought as he led the two of them out of the room. Eleanor's body relaxed at his familiar touch as they stood in the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Eleanor snapped back to reality and moved to stand on the other side of Mia, Brian letting his arm drop back to his side before opening the door for them. He led them to his car and the three got in, Brian driving them towards a diner.

Mia continued to look between the two as she drank her coffee, her and her sister sitting in a booth across from Brian. Brian kept his eyes locked on Eleanor while she kept her gaze down at the mug of coffee she held. After five minutes of silence and Brian staring at Eleanor, Mia discreetly nudged her sister.

A sigh left Eleanor's lips as she brought her gaze up, her eyes locking with Brian's. "Why don't you tell me why you dragged us here, Brian?"

Brian sighed and leaned back in his seat. "You know, they're gonna capture Dom. Maybe worse. I don't want either of you getting tangled up in this, so, stay away from him."

Eleanor set the cup down on the table, shaking her head. Mia leaned back in her seat and continued to drink her coffee as she watched the scene in front of her. "That's what you have to say to me after five years? All of a sudden you care what happens to me?"

"What I did to you was wrong." Brian replied. "I'm sorry. It was - It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

Eleanor scoffed at his words, feeling tears burn her eyes as she tried to hold them back. "I'm sorry too, Bri. I'm so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to love me. I'm so sorry that you ripped my family apart. I'm very sorry that that was hard for you."

Brian's eyes twinkled with emotion as he watched a tear roll down Eleanor's cheek. "I lied to you. I lied to Mia, to Dom. I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. It's why the Feds recruited me."

Eleanor finished her coffee before replying to him. "Maybe you're lying to yourself. Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy. Maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?"

"Everyday." Brian replied honestly.

Eleanor grabbed her bag and slid out of the booth. "Come on, Mia. Let's go." Mia followed suit, giving Brian a tight lipped smile as they started to walk away. Eleanor stopped and turned back around. "You know, I always wondered, why did you let my brother go that day?"

"I don't know." Brian shrugged, Eleanor clenching her jaw in order to stop the tears. Mia grabbed Eleanor's hand and pulled her away to walk off. Brian's words stopped the older sister once more. "I didn't lie about my feelings for you. I never lied. I still love you, El."

Eleanor looked back towards him, another tear rolling down her face as she gave him a sad look before Mia tugged on her hand and opened the door, leading her out of the building.

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