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Disclaimer ; I do not own any of the Fast and Furious characters or plot lines, all rights go to their respectful owners. I only own my own characters and any other lines I choose to add.


A deep sigh left the second eldest Toretto's mouth as she wiped down the table she was stationed at

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A deep sigh left the second eldest Toretto's mouth as she wiped down the table she was stationed at. Her younger sister, Mia, looked to her from behind the counter as the bell rang, signalling they had a new customer. A teasing smile automatically overcame her face as she caught sight of who it was. Eleanor rolled her eyes at her younger sister as she made her way back behind the counter, throwing the rag down on the counter.

Eleanor glanced to the man sitting behind the counter, smiling slightly to herself. The man was beyond attractive, with his messy blonde hair and athletic build. "Hey Brian." Mia greeted him, throwing him a smile as she grabbed a spare notepad so she could take the orders of other customers.

"Hey Mia." Brian smiled back at her before the brunette walked off, leaving the two alone.

Eleanor turned her head back to face Brian after watching Mia walk off. "Tuna on white, no crust, right?" The brunette asked him as her dark eyes locked with his striking blue eyes.

"I don't know, how is it?" Brian shot back as he flipped through his car magazine.

Eleanor shook her head, her long locks following the movement of her head. "For the last three weeks, you've come here every day asking how the tuna is. Now, it was shitty yesterday. It was shitty the day before. And guess what? It hasn't changed."

Mia smiled to herself as she tended to other customers, able to hear their conversation. Brian smiled charmingly at her. "I'll have the tuna."

"No crust?"

"No crust."

Brian smiled as he watched her turn around in order to make his sandwich. His eyes wandered from the back of her head down her body, stopping briefly on her ass before he looked away, not wanting to be caught. Eleanor was most definitely the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid eyes on, with her brown hair and perfectly tanned skin, it was enough to drive Brian insane. His blue eyes flickered back up to meet her brown ones as she set the plate down in front of him. "Thank you."

Eleanor glanced down to the car magazine beside him and smiled a little as she turned it around to face her, her small fingers flipping the page over. "You into cars?"

Brian looked up to her with a lopsided grin. "I love them. What about you?"

"Yeah," Eleanor nodded her head, her eyes lighting up. "You could say that."

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