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"Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow

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"Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow." Hobbs informed as they watched down below them where Shaw was, waiting for the confirmation. "I went in, had a little therapy session with him. He gave up Shaw's hideout."

Gisele looked down through the binoculars she held. "Then why aren't we down there now?" She questioned.

"Well, we weren't invited." Hobbs said.

Eleanor moved to stand beside Gisele, hands on her hips as they listened to the male dispatcher speaking indistinctly from where Tej was sat behind one of the computers. "Hobbs, they're sending in your punching bag." Tej called out to him. "He's wired. He's gonna give a positive I.D. on Shaw before they move in." Gisele handed Eleanor the binoculars and the brunette looked through them as the man Hobbs had made his punching bag entered the warehouse where Owen Shaw was. A few minutes passed before Tej called out again. "I just got confirmation on Shaw. They're going in."

The group watched as all the police officers that surrounded the area ran in. Tej pressed down on his ear piece as he listened in before he held up a finger. "Wait, wait, hold up..." Everyone turned to him. "Police scanners are saying alarms are going off at Interpol headquarters."

"Shit." Brian whispered before turning back to face Dom and Hobbs. "He brought us here so he could take down Interpol. This whole thing's a set up."

Dom nodded. "Brain, take the team."

Eleanor furrowed her brows. "What about you?"

"Hobbs and I will wait for Shaw." He told her. "Shaw leads to Letty."

Eleanor nodded at her brother. "Be careful." She said before Brian grabbed her hand and they moved towards the cars with Tej, Roman, Han and Gisele following them.

"Han, how far are we from Interpol?" Brian questioned over the radio as they sped down the empty streets.

"Twelve blocks away." Han informed.

Tej glanced around. "You guys, it's a ghost town over here. Shaw must have pulled all the cops to him."

"All right, y'all, we're in this shit, so let's go get it." Roman spoke.

They grew closer to Interpol, Han letting them know. "Interpol, straight ahead."

Once they rounded the corner, someone started firing at them. Gisele's tires screeched to a stop as she slammed on her breaks, everyone following her actions. Eleanor kicked open her car door and crouched behind it, swinging out the side and firing her own gun back at the man who fired at them. More of Shaw's team ran out of Interpol and shot at them as they ran to their cars.

"Get in! Let's go!" Brian yelled to them and everyone apart from Gisele and Han got back into their cars and drove off.

Eleanor sped off down the road behind Brian with Tej and then Roman behind her. "Guys, I got the Rover." Tej informed over the radio.

"Okay, well, El and I got..." Roman trailed off as himself and the brunette followed the custom made vehicle. "Whatever the hell that thing is."

Eleanor watched as the guy at the back of the Rover used his gun to smash the back windscreen before firing what appeared to be chips at their cars. She furrowed her eyebrows as one landed on the hood of her car, glowing blue as electricity generated. "What the hell is that?" She questioned.

"A hockey puck?" Roman suggested, unsure of it himself.

Eleanor's mouth hung agape as she watched Tej's tires come to a sudden stop, screeching loudly as his car turned to the side and hit another car, flipping upside down. "Oh, shit!" Roman yelled as he saw his chip turn red before his car turned towards a building and crashed through the glass windows, flipping upside down.

"Shit!" Eleanor gasped as her chip turned red. Her foot stomped on the brake but to no avail as her car spun out of control before flipping up and landing upside down.

"El!" Brian yelled as he managed to knock off his chip before it could turn red.

Eleanor groaned in pain and rubbed her forehead. "I'm okay." She assured him. "Keep going, I'll be fine."

Brian hesitated but continued to chase after the rover and custom made vehicle. He pulled the radio to his lips and spoke into it. "Dom! El, Tej and Roman are out! Where you at?"

"I'm right behind you!" Dom informed him as they entered the tunnel.

"Boys, I got eyes on Shaw." Hobbs spoke. "He just made a left."

Brian glanced into his side mirror. "I got right."

"Toretto, make that left!" Hobbs ordered.


"This is crazy." Roman spoke as they regrouped back at the warehouse. "We are not in Brazil. So, now we got cars flying in the air? On some double oh seven type shit? This is not what we do!"

Eleanor leaned her back into Brian's chest as he held her to him, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She had a small bruise forming on the corner of her forehead from where she hit her head against the dashboard.

Tej gave Roman a look. "Man, you really got to check that emotion. Your voice just went from Shaggy to Scooby Doo. This is not what we..." He trailed off as he mimicked scooby doo and Eleanor had to repress her chuckles at the look on Roman's face. Gisele however chuckled lightly as she smiled into her arm.

"See, man, when a woman starts shooting at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off!" Roman snapped as he looked to Tej. "We need to get the hell out of Dodge! That could have been my forehead, man."

Tej glanced between the wrecked car and Roman's forehead. "Nah." He shook his head. "That's not as big as your forehead." Roman watched as he walked off, touching his head insecurely.

Eleanor laughed this time before her phone started ringing. At seeing it was her sister, Eleanor tapped Brian's arms before walking off to a secluded area to talk to her. "Hey, Mia." Eleanor greeted as she walked off and smiled at the sound of Jack babbling in the background. God she missed her baby. "It's definitely Letty. But it's, uh... it's complicated."

"E, Letty's alive." Mia interrupted her. "That's all that matters. We have her back, Ellie."

Eleanor sighed softly as she saw their older brother stood trying to get the bullet out of his shoulder. "Well, do me a favour and give Jack a kiss goodnight for me and Brian."

"Be safe." Mia told her.

Eleanor smiled. "I love you, Mia." She hung up the phone and started walking over to her brother who prepared to take the bullet out himself. "Give me the tweezers." She demanded as she turned her brother to face her. "You're gonna hurt yourself even more."

Dom complied and handed them over. Eleanor wrapped up a bit of gauze and pressed it to the side of the wound before using the tweezer to dig around for the bullet. Dom grunted a little in pain before sighing in relief when Eleanor pulled the bullet out. She placed both the tweezers and the bullet into a metal tray before pressing the gauze against the wound. "Thanks, Ellie." Dom said as he placed his hand over hers to take over pressing down on the wound.

Eleanor nodded her head but frowned up at her brother. "She definitely saw it was you?"

"She looked dead at me, El." Dom looked to her.

Her eyebrows were drawn together as she frowned, stressed. "Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone, Dominic." Dom slowly looked over to her. "It kills me to say it but even though she's alive, maybe she's gone."

"You don't turn your back on family." Dom stated as he gave her a small smile. "You know this, Ellie. Even when they do."

"I know." Eleanor whispered as she shared a sad smile with her brother.

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