Chapter 11

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"That was delicious. I had a fun night Laur." I smiled.

"I wish every night could be like this, Camz, but right now I think they need me back in the bus so I can leave for my other shows. I really don't want to leave."

"Then don't."

"I can't. I don't want to upset my fans. I could never. I'll be back as soon as possible," she gave me a faint smile.


"Promise." She sighed as she kissed my forehead then walked away.

I walked back to my house and went in my bedroom. Dinah was at her house since we dropped her off there first.

I called Dinah and waited for her to pick up.

"Dawg? What's up hoii?"

"DINAH." I exasperated.

"You miss her already, don't you Mila?"

"A lot."

"Who's that?" I heard in the background and realized it was Siope. "It's Mila." Dinah said to him in the background. "HI CAMILA." Siope said out loud for me to hear.

"Tell Siope I said hey and you didn't tell me you were going to be with him tonight! Enjoy him right now! I'm hanging up."

"Alright, alright. You should call Vero and hang with her." Dinah said as I could sense her smiling.

"Okay. Have fun Cheech, but not too much fun!" I said quickly hanging up before she could say something.


-can you sleep oVER TONIGHT???

-I'm busy watching tv...but for you I can make an exception😏



We were now watching a marathon of Pretty Little Liars. We were on the last episode of the last season since Vero and I hadn't watched it yet. I had my arm around her neck and we were laying down on the couch.

"Are any of you hungry?" My mom asked us.

"No, Mama C, I'm fine." Vero smiled.

"Mami, I think I'm good."

"I'll be sleeping upstairs! Sofi just got back from her little camping trip from school and she's sleeping, so don't make noise that'll wake her up." Sinu said smiling and going upstairs.

"Sofi?" Vero asked looking up at me.

"Little sister, she's a cutie. You'll meet her when she wakes up. You'll love her."

"If she's anything like you, I probably will." Vero winked.

"Hey, you have Ariana." I laughed.

"Mila, her and I are going on our second date on Thursday." She gushed.

"Aw!" I smiled.

"When are YOU gonna get it on with Lauren?" Vero wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't know, right now she's "with" Luis. Life's tough." I sighed.

"Does she get jealous easily? Because if she is we can try to get her to be jealous so she'll be chasing you, like really hard."

"She does and I doubt it. She's Lauren Jauregui." I sighed once more.

"And you're Camila Cabello. Here let's take a picture." Vero said grabbing my phone.

We took a bunch of pictures and she went through them. "Alright now these are really good pictures, but I think the one where you're kissing my cheek and how your arm is around my neck is visible is the best to make her a little jealous, post that if you want." Vero said handing me my phone.

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