Log Date: October 17

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Memory file search: You're_a_friendzoning_idiot.exe

You and Michael were sitting on a park bench, enjoying the sights of the city and having ice cream together. The speakers set up all over the park played music of all different kinds, setting up a lovely atmosphere, especially at sunset, at which time very relaxing, peaceful music was played for all to enjoy. Once you two were done eating the ice cream, Michael gathered up the napkins and went to throw them away, despite your protests. When he came back, he offered you his hand. "Mind if I take this dance?" He said, his beautiful brown eyes shining with sunlight. It was like the light was just leaking from inside of him. You took his hand and stood with him, letting him lead. You both swayed to the music together, just the two of you. It didn't matter if anyone else existed, because in that moment, no one else mattered.

"I really like being with you." Michael said, looking into your eyes as you looked into his. You nodded, smiling. "This is really great. You're my only friend, you know? It feels nice to..." You trailed off as Michael's face morphed into a strained smile and his body tensed up. The song ended, and he let go. "Yeah," he said, refusing to look you in the eyes. "It's fun. Let's go. It's pretty late." He walked ahead, not looking behind to see whether you were keeping up or not.

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