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3rd Person POV

Around the beginning of October, you started to notice a decline in Michael. He didn't smile the way he used to, and his usual swagger gradually disappeared. A couple of days he didn't come at all, and you started to worry about him.

You should just ask him what's wrong. Show that you care, he will appreciate that. Then, once he's cried his heart out to you, admit your undying love for him and-

Also, your squip was an annoying little shit.

Hello? I can hear your thoughts, rude-ass. Speaking of, we need to have a serious discussion about the fantasies you have about Michael-

Shutdown. Your squip may have a good point, but you aren't sure if you should ask him. What if it's something very personal and awkward? Plus, you guys weren't really friends, so he...

Is walking in at eight in the morning on a Wednesday? Here's your chance.

As the squip said, Michael was indeed walking into Seven Eleven at eight in the morning. Which is crazy, because last you checked, Michael was supposed to be in school. So you asked him.

"And last I checked, you're not my mom." You winced at the searing reply. Michael noticed this and apologized, "I-I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind, and- and-" He was holding back tears, and his eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying all night.You put a hand on his shoulder and said reassuringly, "Michael, I don't know you well, and I don't know why you've been so upset lately, but I'm here for you, and I'm sure you have friends who can help you-" Your rather generic speech was cut off by Michael wrapping his arms around you in a hug that nearly cut off your circulation. You were going to ease yourself from his arms so that he wouldn't strangle you until you realized-

You couldn't move. Literally.

You're welcome.

You sighed and tried to move again, but for something else. Your squip approved this action and so allowed you your motor functions back to do it. You gently wriggled your arms out of Michael's grasp and wrapped them around him. You sat on the counter to have less space between the two of you. It was like Michael was starved of human connection. As he sobbed, you rubbed your arm up and down his back in what you hoped was a comforting motion. Between sobs, he told you about how his best and only friend left him to be cool, and how he was ignored, and how he didn't see a point in trying anymore. "I'm sorry, I just-" you shushed him and moved to sit on the floor, indicating that he should do the same. He did, and you wrapped your arms around him, rocking him back and forth, him hiccuping and whimpering. You hummed a song that you liked to listen to when you felt down. You put your head in the crook of his neck, still humming. He stiffened slightly but soon relaxed. You pulled away when you were done and took a good look at his face. It was red, from what you assumed was crying, and his eyes were wet and red. Seeing this awoke a fierce urge in you to protect him from the whole world.

Ask him on a date. He's so lonely that he'd accept the offer from that crazy guy down the street.

You shook your head slightly and bit your lip, looking at Michael. "Michael?"

"Yes?" He sniffed and rubbed his eyes, looking at you. He was short, but just barely taller than you.

"Is there something that you'd like to do that would make you feel better?" He nodded.

Good, good.

"I want to see Jeremy again. There's something I need to tell him."

Not Goodall! I mean not good! Not good!

You smiled and said, "Any place other than school that you know he'll be at?" He thought for a moment then said, "Actually, yes. I do."

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