Michael fluff 1

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After that incident, you shut down your squip and haven't spoken to it since. Who you did talk to was Michael. It wasn't official yet, but you two were just about dating. What was better, he was your best friend as well as possible boyfriend.

He and you sat on his bed together, fighting Pokémon battles on your Gameboys. His Suicune was getting its poor butt kicked by your Pikachu.

"What the hell?!" His voice rose in playful aggravation when he lost. "Suicune is like, 10 levels higher than your Pikachu." You shot him finger guns when you gave your reply. "Type advantage will always triumph."


You both sat in comfortable silence for a moment. You leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, squeezing gently, sighing.

"There's a crazy-ass scandal going around about Jeremy cheating on his girlfriend or something." He had a sad tone in his voice, but you couldn't see his eyes. You couldn't bear to see look at Michael when he talked about Jeremy. You weren't jealous, he just looked so sad, and you couldn't do anything about it. He stood up, taking his arm off of you. "Want a ride home?"

"Nah, I'm fine walking," you replied. "What do you do here all the time by yourself?"

"Nothing." He answered too quickly as he walked you to the door. You suddenly heard his grandfather's voice in the house, calling Michael.

"Bring me my slippers!" He groaned, mumbling a quick "See you later," and closing the door. You smiled gently. Though the visit ended too quickly, you would see him tomorrow.

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