The Next Morning

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You awoke from dreams full of whispers that you couldn't quite remember.

Hey. You're awake.

Wow, no shit.

Look around. See something new?

You did as the squip asked, raising your head and looking around only to be startled by...

The most beautiful face you had ever seen.

She had perfect cheekbones and a small chiseled nose. Her chin was gently pointed, and her face and body was the perfect kind of slim. She had grey-blue eyes and long, wavy black hair. But what really stood out about her was her extremely dark skin. It made her look... Otherworldly. You weren't attracted to it, but it was like looking at a breathtaking piece of art. She smiled excitedly.

Do you like it? I finally created a physical image...

You just stared.

I'm not kidding when I say I've been working on this day and night. Please, say something.

Finally, you spoke.

"It's... It's awful."

This was not the sarcastic shit-eating smart-ass you knew. Also, how was looking like some sort of alien supermodel supposed to impress you?

Wha- what? But I- I just wanted to-

To what? Be a good role model by constantly reminding you of everything you weren't?

No, I just-

To be honest, you were expecting a Jared Kleinman or Connor Murphy. Definitely not this. The girl- squip?- looked frustrated.

Seriously? I throw all my effort into this, and you act like- like I should just bend myself to your will like a totally inanimate object?

But it is a totally inanimate object. It's just a computer in your brain.

Oh yeah? The squip snarled. Well, you're just a girl in New Jersey. A blip on the radar. Maybe a stepping stone for other, greater people to walk on at best. If you died, nobody would care and no one would be affected. Do you know how much it costs to take care of a pining, needy teenage girl like yourself? And all you've been to me is a pain in the ass. An absolute ANNOYANCE. Even when you burst into tears, it kept going. I really despise you and- and I hate being yours. You have zero friends, your mom secretly hates you and Michael's probably gonna ditch you the moment you screw up or whenever his friend Jeremy comes crawling back to him. Yeah. Chew on that. I'm shutting down.

You were left to cry yourself to sleep alone for the first time in a while.

Nooo guys, don't fight... Squip's going through some personal issues...

Sev Elev- Michael Mell x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora