The Holy Trinity

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"Morning everyone!" I said as cheerful as possible.

"Hey", Danielle said looking up from her laptop,"I didn't think that you would be up I heard you and  Nate getting trashed last night. Were you two watching A Walk to Remember?"

"Yup, I would be, but Kairi got me up",I said yawning,"No, change I see". I went and sat by her on the couch.

"Nope", she said with her eyes glued to the laptop.

"Hey, don't take this the wrong way. But, I want to give you an out early before you don't have a chance to leave", I said.

She slam the laptop top down and looked at me and said," Why? What's up?" I told her about Jason, Sliske and the ongoing plans.

"Damn, the whole house?" She said.

"It has to be done, I know it's terrible. I didn't start this war, but I am going to finish it. If the meeting doesn't go well and Morocco you should probably go home. I mean doesn't your dad miss you?" I asked concerned.

"He's always working, I highly doubt he even knows I'm not there. I don't even think he's in Spain anymore. He may have gone back to America; the land of milk, honey and oil he always said. It's been really nice here having people around. I don't really want to leave".

"You don't have to, it's just fair warning", I said.

"I want to help, I know I can't do half the things you're doing, but I want to help in some way. The Caffery's have always been like family to me. Adam, Michael and Brandon are like the older brother's I never had. I want to help take down who's ever hurting them. I mean I can learn to shoot a gun and that kind of stuff if--"

I have an idea!

"No, you don't have to be an assassin to help. But, if you truly do want to help", she shook her head yes," then you may just be our ace."

"How so?" She said curious and excited.

"I mean this in the best way possible, but you like the gossip. You had Nate and I hanging on every word you said yesterday--- that's a skill. A powerful one too. I don't need you to go in guns blazing I just need you to get people to talk,  give up their secrets. And then we'll use those secrets against them".

"Blackmail?" She said.

"Yep, that's what it is. I have to play with the boys, they already don't want to take me serious, because I'm a woman lesser to because they only see me as "Adam's women". I don't have time to talk to their wives, and secret girlfriends, boyfriends and mistresses. That's where you can come in. Find me dirt on the seven remaining houses. That's more important than any amount of money. Can you do that before Tuesday?"

"Umm I can do that now, let me tell you about the Millar House..." and she did she told me every dark little secret, every little kink, every depraved act, who was sleeping with who, who was in debt, the cheater, and the liars. I took notes.

This was good information.

"Dani you're coming to Morocco with me, you can sit with the wives and get more information. Honestly, just be you. I'll make sure you have a security team too", I said

Belle and Kairi came into the room. Kairi was smiling so big I thought she broke something by accident and was trying to cover it up.

"Whats up, Tootsie Pop? I said.

"There a guy downstairs he looks like the prince in my book" she said giggling.

Oh no, you're too young! You can't be boy crazy at five.

Power (The Drug Lord's Wife #2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu