Start from the beginning

"Who's him?" Snow questioned.

Teresa shrugged. "The hell if I know, maybe my dad or something? Who knows. I was just as confused as you are now."

A look of guilt was plastered on the pirates face as he looked down at Merlin's hat, which had previously obtained Blue and all the other fairies, until Regina freed them.

"I trapped him in there," Hook announced to the room. "I didn't know..."

Emma reassuringly rubbed his arm. She knew how he felt about that whole ordeal. "It's okay. It was Gold, not you. Blue was in there. She can get him out."

"Don't you need the Dark One's dagger?"

"Well, not if I have something that belonged to The Apprentice," Mother Superior replied. Hook turned and grabbed a broom, which he then handed to her. Mother Superior placed it on the floor and with her eyes closed she began to use her magic.

Moments later there was a bright yellow light that had them shielding away their eyes, until finally a man with gray hair and beard appeared before them. He laid on the floor in confusion.

"Are you..."

"Yes," he said, cutting Emma off. "And there is no time to waste. Isaac has abused his power for too long. The time has come to set..." When The Apprentice caught sight of Hook, he paused for a moment, knowing that he was the one who had trapped him inside it. "...things right."

"How?" Regina asked.

"By putting him back where he can't harm the book. I will need the page with the painted door and the key. We shall return him to his prison. And this time, I would wager none of you will set him free again. The page?"

"It's back in the loft," Henry replied.

The Apprentice turned his head, and a smile pulled onto his lips when he seen Henry Mills, who just so happened to be standing right next to Teresa Holmes.

"Mom, dad, Killian, Teri, go with Henry. If Gold's smart, he'll go after the page, too," Emma said.

Inside the apartment of Snow White and David, the group searched endlessly for the page with the painted door.

"Are you sure it's here Henry?" Teresa asked from where she was searching in the living room.

"Positive. I know it's here," Henry replied from upstairs.

Suddenly, there was a bright white light that caused them to shield their eyes. Before any of them could question what it was or what was causing it — even though they already assumed it was Gold — they were plunged into darkness.

Henry woke up with a groan, on the floor of the upstairs room with a key in his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, wondering what had happened to him considering he was just searching for the page and not unconscious on the floor.

Henry stood from the ground and bolted down the stairs. "Grandma? Grandpa? Teri? Hook?" After searching the entire apartment, Henry found not one person within it. Not Teresa. Not Hook. Not his grandparents or his baby uncle. They were all gone.

Henry bolted from the apartment building and wandered through the streets, desperate to find his loved ones. Or anyone for that matter.

"Hello?! Hello?! Is anyone here?! Hello?!"

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