Start from the beginning

"It's not running from him. It's hindering him."

Emma held Maleficent's gaze for a long moment before nodding. "What do you know about her?"

"Just what the Dark One showed me...that she was banished to this world 30 years ago, to a place called Minnesota, where she was adopted by a couple." Maleficent paused for a moment. "And they named her Lilith."

"No." Emma's voice was low, full of disbelief and shock.

Hook stared at her in concern. "Emma? What is it?" She didn't answer as she took off out of the diner, leaving them to watch her blonde hair disappear out the door.

"I'm gonna go on a wild limb here and guess that she knows your daughter," Teresa said.

They were leaving; according to intelligence she received from Gold, Regina was going to New York to save Robin Hood, and alongside her would be Emma, who was going to find Lily, Maleficent's daughter.

Apparently fate worked it's magic and as a young teenager, Emma knew Lily, until their friendship was broken by Emma pushing her away.

Outside of the Town Hall building, Teresa stood with Snow and David as Emma was hugging Henry goodbye.

"Be good, kid," Emma said as she placed a gentle kiss to Henry's temple. "I'll see you when I get back."

Henry gave his mother a smile before stepping back next to his grandparents and Teresa.

"Take care Teresa," Emma said, then a smirk pulled onto her lips. "Maybe try and not get taken while I'm gone."

Teresa rolled her eyes. "The first time doesn't count, that was my own mother."

From beside her, Henry cracked a smile.

Hook stepped up to Emma next, wearing a smile, as he bid her a goodbye. After they exchanged a few words, the pair shared a loving kiss.

Snow let go of her husbands hand and stepped forward to say goodbye, "Emma..."

"Take care of Henry."

A heartbroken expression pulled onto Snow's face as she stared at her daughter. Emma was still beyond furious about what they had done to an innocent little baby just to save their own baby.

Before Snow could say anything else, David stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his wifes shoulder. "Of course."

Regina walked out of the building and immediately walked past Teresa and to her son. She pulled him into her warm and loving embrace.

"Did you get what you needed?" Emma asked.

With a nod, Regina pulled away from Henry and held up Teresa's mother's scrolls. "I'm not going into a land without magic without bringing some of our own. Ingrid's case we have any trouble getting through the cloak put around this town."

Emma nodded. "Sounds good. Let's get out of here."

Regina gave her son one last smile before walking over to Emma's bright yellow car; she climbed in and buckled up.

After a few moments, Emma pulled the car out of the lot and began heading out of Storybrooke. They watched Emma's car until is disappeared from their sight.

"So," Teresa clapped her hands together. "What's on the agenda for today?"

With Snow and David going to look for Maleficent to apologise for all they have done to her, Teresa was left to babysit Neal with Henry.

Teresa was sitting on the couch, rocking the infant to sleep when Henry closed the closet, revealing a white box in his hands.

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