Start from the beginning

"That's what's worrying me. She's not at home. She's not in her office. My parents are gonna check her vault, but..."

"And you fear the worst," Teresa finished for her.

"I can't help but think, if the undercover thing worked, if she's got the situation under control, then why the hell isn't she back yet?"

"Sometimes when you go undercover you can't come back and check in, Emma. They're probably busy and Regina can't leave. She'll check in, don't worry so much over it."

"The young lass right Emma," Hook said. "Worrying will only make it worse. Regina can handle this."

Teresa then sighed. "Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll check the woods. I happen to be an excellent tracker."

"Alright, yea, that would be great," Emma nodded. She then dug into her pocket. "Uh, my mom got this for you, use it if you find anything."

Teresa caught the cell phone in her hand and stared at it in confusion. "I don't know how to use thing!"

"Neither did I, but it is actually quite easy." Hook snatched the phone from the teenager and opened it. "Just press this button and click the green button when you're over Emma's name."

"Uh, alright."

Teresa wondered through the woods, arrows on her back and bow in hand. Yes she had magic, but whenever she was in woods, she felt a need to bring her bow.

As she climbed over a fallen branch, her eyes caught sight of tire tracks. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering who would be driving around in woods. Knowing it must be the new villians in town, Teresa began to follow the tracks.

Soon, she came to a cabin.

Teresa stealthily walked up to the cabin and when she got to one of the windows, she peered inside. Her eyes widened as she found the Dark One inside, poking around at the fire place.

She reached for her cell phone to use it to call Emma, when suddenly it and her bow disappeared from her hands. She whipped around and found a blonde haired woman now holding them, a smirk on her lips.

"Well, well, if it isn't the best archer in all the land."

Teresa thrust her hand forward, throwing the woman back with a burst of magic. Before she could do anything else, a thick tentacle wrapped around her body, forcing her hands at down at her sides.

"So the famous Teresa Holmes has magic," Ursula smirked.

No other words were said as they forced Teresa inside the cabin. Gold turned on his spot and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of Teresa.

"What is she doing here? And where the hell have you been all night?" he asked.

"Don't be nasty," the blonde snapped. "Regina came to find us. We had some catching up to do."

"Regina? What was she after?" Gold asked.

"She was sniffing around for information, just like Miss Holmes was sniffing around outside."

"I assume you didn't tell her I'm what you're hiding."

"Oh, we were careful, darling. She doesn't know a thing," Cruella reassured him.

Gold stepped toward Teresa, who was still wrapped tightly by the tentacle of Ursula. "And what were you doing in the woods?"

Teresa rolled her eyes. "Like you've all said, I'm an archer. I was hunting, when I discovered tire tracks. I thought it was odd so I followed them. And I'm glad I did." She finished with a glare. "Aren't you supposed to be in New York? How the hell did you get back into town?"

Arrow 。 Henry Mills [1]Where stories live. Discover now