18. The beginning of a new story (Final chapter)

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Math was next. Tobirama and I walked in early and I greeted Mr Hatake with a smile. He seemed satisfied with that and sent us a nod as we took our seats. Ino walked in and looked at me, she couldn't see my eyes but I could see hers. Evil intent, hatred, that's what her 'innocent' blue orbs held. What could I have done? Someone so insignificant, so unimportant, what could I have possibly done? But then her eyes shifted to Tobirama. My eyes widen, lucky my hood hid my face. I knew something bad was going to happen, I panicked, my entire body tensing up. Then I felt something on my hand. Tobirama had placed his hand on mine once again, I looked down at it and I seemed to relax. I looked up at him and he was looking forward, his cheeks tinted pink. I felt heat rush to my own, I looked away and kept my hand there. I didn't want him to let go.

The lesson seemed to go by so fast. Tobirama helped me when I got stuck and also helped me keep on task. Every time I would reach into my bag to grab my journal he would chuckle and shake his head. His laugh made my face turn red, in the end I just stopped trying to save myself from the embarrassment. But even though we were doing our work, my hand still remained in his. It was when the bell went that we let go, we got up out of seats and headed to our table.

It was quieter then usual. I didn't bother to speak and neither did he. When ever we tried we would speak at the same time and it wouldn't work out. My face was a fiery red and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I wanted to tell him, to admit it. I like him. No, I love him. This boy, this stoic, emotionless void of a boy. I love him. He shows me a side of him that is only for me, a side which I love. It was too much, right now I couldn't handle it. To be handed all of this love at once, with no preparation at all. What should I do? I quickly stood up and picked up my bag. "I'll be right back, I've just gotta go to the bathroom". He nods and sends me a smile before I go. A smile which makes my heart flutter. I suddenly notice more about his face, his white hair looks so fluffy, the red markings on his face are perfect, his red eyes are amazing, his smile is... more then I could ever hope for. I quickly rush away and head to my locker.

I open my locker and begin putting stuff away. Suddenly my journal falls from my bag and onto the floor. I bend over and pick it up only to see someone trying to pick it up also. I look up and see the pink haired girl who sits at the popular table. "Hi", she says with a fake smile. I stand and she doesn't let go of my journal. "Thank you, could you please let go", I ask politely. She giggles and shakes her head. Suddenly my locker his slammed shut and I am shoved up against it. I look up and see Ino, she is looking at me as if I'm a rat. "Do you know why you're here?", she asks. I shake my head. She scoffs and shoves me up against the locker again. "You know why. You took 'my' Tobirama away from me". I look up at her and shake my head. "Tobirama doesn't belong to anyone, who he he hangs out with is up to him". Ino grits her teeth and her knee meets with my stomach. "I hate you, I wish you were dead!", she yells in my face. I feel the tears coming, I try to hold them back but the pain is too much. It hurts so bad yet I will never let go of my journal. Ino does it again, again and again. There is no one to help me, I double over in pain, blood drips from my mouth. "You truly are disgusting", she scoffs. Sakura rips the book from my grasp and opens it, glaring at its pages. "Ew its one of those stupid cartoon books", she says. Ino smirks and pulls a lighter from her pocket. My eyes widen and I attempt to grab it. "Please no, please stop it!". Sakura restrains me and Ino opens the book to the very front. "My dearest family, I dedicate this manga to you. I hope you will rest well knowing that I will never forget you". She laughs and lights her lighter. "What would you do if I was to do this?". She brings the naked flame close to the book and then she pulls it away. "Please don't do this! Please!". Ino's smirk only grows wider as she brings the flame to the pages watching as they light on fire. She drops the journal to the ground and watches as it turns into nothing but a pile of ash on the cover of a journal. The tears won't stop now, they run down my face like there's no tomorrow. Something I made for my family, for the people I love the most has been destroyed right in front of me. Sakura lets go of me and I fall to my knees. My hands shake as I attempt to pick up the journal but it is no more.

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