2. Not as bad as I thought

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"All I know is that she is female", I say. Izuna smirks. "Maybe you can get close to her and then you'll finally have a girlfriend", he chuckles. I narrow my eyes and glare at him. "Our relationship will be 100% professional, I don't plan on having a relationship with her and I also have never met her". "How do you know it's safe then? What is she's a crazy old woman?", Ino asks. I sigh. "Her older brother used to work for our family's company and he's only 19 so she must be between 15 and 19". I notice that some of the girls on our table look a little displeased with this. "Maybe we could come and hang out at your apartment or something", Ino says. I sigh again, don't these girls get it. "I'm unsure, the apartment isn't mine so I would have to ask her". The others begin discussing stuff about the apartment like its their own. I sigh again, if only I could get some piece and quiet.


Your POV

I was sitting in English with everyone else. Our English teacher Mr Sarutobi sat beside the window with a cigarette in his mouth. I'm just gonna tell you this: our school is terrible. Our principal is a gambling alcoholic, our deputy principals are both weirdos. One is a big pervert and the other is a pedophile. (A/n: Guess who XD).

When the bell went I was so relieved but not so much when he handed us like 12 sheets of home work. Gee thanks, the week never ends because our teachers our assholes and are trying to get us to do work in our free time. I sigh, I've got so much on my plate. I don't have time for this crap.

I walk outside and jump on my usual bus, taking me right to my apartment. I live in quite a big apartment building, I think their are 19 floors, not as big as some buildings but still big. I live in room 28 on floor 7, the rooms are pretty nice and big. My apartment has two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and a kitchen. Everything I need is there, I just hope this room mate guy isn't an ass hole. I take the elevator to my floor and walk down the hallway to my apartment. I reach into my pocket and fish out my keys, using them now to unlock the door. You then kick the door open and walk in, slamming the door behind you. Tora was right, your apartment was a mess. You dropped your bag off in your room and kicked off your shoes, now you needed to do some cleaning. *Insert cleaning montage*

It was 10pm when you finished cleaning and the results were amazing. You had done the dishes and vacuumed every room. You had organized all of your video games and consoles so it looked tidy. Books were back on shelves and you had moved any personal items into your room. You were currently making the bed in the spare room when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out of your pocket and read the message displayed on the screen.

Tora: I forgot to tell you that he's going to be at your apartment tomorrow at 9 am :)
You: You made it early on purpose didn't you >:(
Tora: Maybe but it'll be fine, have you cleaned up the apartment?
You: Yes I have and it took hours yet it looks amazing
Tora: Wow I wish I could see it, well gtg lil sis, don't stay up too late, you don't wanna sleep through your date ;)
You: It's not a date ass hole

I change into my pajamas and then get into bed. I'm too frustrated to eat and I'm too lazy to do anymore dishes. I pull my two plush bunnies close to my chest and fall asleep. Not ready for whatever hell tomorrow has for me.


My alarm went off at 8am and I wasn't happy about it. I would usually stay up on a Friday until 2 or 3am and them wake up the next day at noon. I got up and had a quick shower, washing my hair and everywhere else. I wanted to make a good impression on my roommate so they didn't think I was a weirdo. I put on some black legging and and an oversized sweater, I looked in the mirror and blushed. I looked cute and I hated it. Just as I was about to get changed the door bell rang... great just fucking great.I walk over to the door and take a deep breath before opening it. My eyes at first were glued to the floor but as I began to look up my face turned bright red. The boy standing before me was none other than Tobirama Senju. And he didn't seem to recognize me yet he had a light blush on his cheeks.

"I'm Tobirama, you must be Tora's younger sister". "Uh yeah, come in". I stepped to the side and he walked in, I closed the door behind him. I walked around the house and began showing him around. "So this is the kitchen, you can help yourself to whatever you want. This is the living room, we have netflix and all that". He stopped and  stared at all of my consoles and video games. "Are those your brothers?", he asks. I shake my head and nervously look down at the ground. "No those are all mine". He seemed surprised but quickly brushed it off. Next I walked over to the bathroom and pushed the door open. There was a bath, shower and a toilet in there. "There is only one bathroom". He nods and follows me to his room. I open the door and walk in. "So this will be your room, my room is the door next to yours so if you need anything I'll be in there". Tobirama begins looking around his room and gives me a small satisfied smile and I smile back.

Tobirama's POV

 I gave her a small smile and she returned it but something looked familiar about it. Without realizing it I was staring at her. "Hey Tobirama are you Ok?", she asks. I snap out of my trance and nod. "Have we uh met somewhere before?", I ask. I watch as her face turns red and she begins rubbing the back of her neck. "Well you see we actually have". Now I was curious. "Where?". "I go to the same school as you". "Strange, I must not have seen you". She began nervously laughing. "You actually have". "Where?". "You sat next to me in math". Then it hit me. "You're (Y/n)". She nods. "Sorry I didn't recognize you, you look a lot different without your hood up". "Yeah I don't really like to show my face, do you uh need any help bringing stuff up?", she asks. I nod. "Not right now though, my brother will be bringing my stuff in about half an hour". There was a moment of awkward silence before she spoke. "Uh do you like video games?", she asks. I nodded. People usually say me as the scary guy who probably just sits there and does nothing but in reality I'm actually a big nerd. I love video games, manga, anime and all of that good shit. "Yeah". "Do you wanna play something?". I happily nod and follow her out into the living room, taking a seat on the couch next to her. This might not be as bad as I thought it would be.

Your POV

I mentally backflipped when he said yes. He likes video games and I like them too, this is gonna be so much fun! But then again I don't need that. Hmmm I don't think playing video games would make us friends, we can just be game buddies or something. Yep no friendships going on here. This is going to be awesome!

I wrote the second chapter right after the first for some reason. Well because I wanted to and yeah. I mean I should've updated one of my other stories but nah. Maybe later. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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