9. First day of work

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School ended and I walked over to the bus stop to wait. I watched Tobirama sit in the bus stop too, a few people between us. I feel my phone buzz.

Tobirama: You ready for your first day?

I smile down at the message quickly type my reply.

(F/n): Yeah, just hope I do a good enough job so they won't fire me ^-^

Tobirama: You'll do fine

The bus pulled up and everyone got on, I didn't bother to sit in the back this time. There was just no point, I was getting off at a different stop. I was going to go to the cafe straight after school, my shift starts at 3:30 pm and finishes at 5 pm when they close. The bus stopped a few streets away from the cafe and I got off and walked towards it. When I got there Ameyuri gave me a big hug. "You excited?", she asks. I giggle and nod. Mangetsu comes out and give me a toothy smile. "Everyone come out into the break room, we are gonna have a short meeting". We all nod and head to the room out back.

Mangetsu stands before us and looks directly at me. "I want you all to call (Y/n), (F/n) while she is here Ok". The others raise their eyebrows at me. "Why is that?", Zabuza asks. "She says it for confidential reasons". "Are you on the run or something?", Fugaku chuckles. I giggle and shake my head. "No I just don't really show my face so no one really makes the connection with my name and face, they think my name is (F/n)". "Do you wear a mask?", Kushimaru asks. I shake my head. "I wear my hood up". They nod, now understanding the situation. Mangetsu hands everyone a bundle of blue cloth. "This is your uniform, we haven't been wearing them because they just arrived but they are pretty cute, especially yours", he smirks at you. I blush slightly. Ameyuri wraps her arms around my shoulders and leads me to the female bathroom to change. We each went into a stall and got changed. Mangetsu was right, the uniform was cute, really cute... especially on you. "Honey are you done?", Ameyuri calls. "Uh yeah". You unlock your stall and walk out, Ameyuri stares wide eyed at you. Before you could say anything she grabbed you and pulled you out to where the others were. They all just stared at you, your face turned bright red. "You look cuter then I though you would", Mangetsu says quietly. "You can all stop staring at me now", I say impatiently. They all look away with pink cheeks, Chojuro looked like he was about to pass out. The boys were wearing black pants and a shirt the same color as Ameyuri and I's. "Well lets open up shop!", Mangetsu announces. We all nod and rush out and begin preparing the cafe for customers.

As soon as we opened people started walking in. I could see that Zabuza was quite the lady killer, girls kept calling for him and blushing like crazy. I stood behind the counter and watched as a tall (And quite handsome) boy my age walked up to me. He looked at me and blushed slightly. "What can I get you today?", you ask politely. "Uh a large cappuccino". "Sure thing that comes to (Amount)". He hands me the money and sends me a sly smile. I put the money in the cash register and give him his change. He sits over at a table in the corner and watches me as I make his coffee. I strangely didn't find it creepy, I quickly made the drink and then carried it over to him. I place it on the table in front of him then stepped back and gave him a sweet smile. "Enjoy". I then walked away, awaiting my next customer. It was going fairly well until I noticed a piece of paper among that tall boys tip. It read: 034 32454 324 Jugo xxx. My face turned bright red and I noticed he gave me a huge tip. "What's that you got there?", Kushimaru asks. "That boy just gave me his number". Kushimaru chuckles my hair. "You'll get more of them". I blush at that statement then get back to my work.

I was clearing a few tables when a large group of teenagers walked in. "Oh my god I can't believe I haven't been in here before, its so cute", Sakura says. "It is, such a shame your big ass forehead is blocking the view", Ino smirks. The two girls start an argument only to be split up by a few of the boys. "Are you sure she's here?", Izuna asks Tobirama. Tobi nods and looks around the cafe. When our eyes meet his cheeks tint pink. I mentally sigh and walk over to them. "Hey you must be Tobirama's friends", you say smiling. "Woah, you never told us she was this cute", Naruto exclaims. I blush slightly. Kiba pushes past them and extends his hand. "You must be (F/n), I'm Kiba". "Hi Kiba, I've seen you walking your dog around the park a couple of times". He blushes and rubs the back of neck. "Yeah he's Akamaru, do you like dogs?". I nod. Suddenly I hear someone call out my fake name. "Hey (F/n) can you clear this table?", Ameyuri calls. I look over in her direction and nod. "Yeah of course". I look at the group of teenagers and give them an apologetic look. "Sorry but I've got to get back to work". They nod and I walk over to the table and begin clearing it.

An hour later it was 4:30 pm and we only had half an hour left until we close. Suddenly two familiar people walk into the cafe and sit down at a table. They hadn't seemed to notice me yet so I acted like I didn't see them Then my name was called... my real name. "(Y/n)". I turn my head, my eyes meeting with those of the Uchiha. I walk over to him and his blue companion. "Konan cares deeply for you, we all do. Come back". I give him a sad smile. "I'm sorry Itachi, I can't. I'm not ready to come back and I don't know if I will ever be. You guys should just forget about me, I am better off alone". I walk off and continue clearing the tables.

When I was done, the two were gone. I sighed in relief and began cleaning up, we were about to close after all. When we were all finished I got changed out of my waitress uniform and then grabbed my school bag. I said goodbye to all of my new co workers and then made my way to the bus stop. It was quiet out, really relaxing. I was really happy about my new job, the others were so nice to me. I reach into my pocket and pull out a mixture of notes, coins and pieces of paper containing many male phone numbers. I blush and shove them all back into my pocket and get on the bus that just arrived, I hope this continues to go well... Lets not jinx it though.

Well you have done your first day at you new work. I applied for a job and had the interview today. I hope they accept me... But I'm trash so probably not. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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