8. Inappropriate drawings

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Tobirama POV

I was sitting at my lunch table with my brother and his friends. I tried to stay out of their conversations but I always got roped in. "So how was the move?", Naruto asks. I shrug. "It was alright". "You said your room mate is a girl right?", Kiba asks. I nod. "Is she pretty?", Choji asks with a mouth of food. I blushed slightly. "I uh". Unfortunately for me Izuna jumped in. "She is really pretty! And she wants to be a manga artist and she is so good at drawing!". "What's her name?", Naruto asks. "(F/n), she goes to Konaha girls academy", Hashirama says. "She has like every console and so many games. Are you aloud to play them whenever you want?", Izuna asks me. I shrug. "I haven't asked". "She sounds pretty cool", Sasuke says casually. "Can we meet her?!", Kiba asks. I shrug my shoulders. "She's quite independent, doesn't like that much attention". "Wow she seems like the whole package, has she got a sense of humor?", Naruto asks. I nod. He kept gushing over her, well the fake her. The her she keeps hidden away, I always wondered why she was alone. Did something happen? I heard the name Ivy being said yesterday at the arcade, apparently it was (Y/n)'s sister. But where was she? Who was this Ivy person and where was she now?

Your POV

The bell rang and I left for class. Right now I had math and planned to do my work and then draw for the rest of the lesson. I mean I'm not a genius but I would be classified as somewhat "smart". I got to class early, Mr Hatake was still reading his porn. "Good morning", he says, not bothering to look up at me. "Morning". I walk over to my seat in the very back and sit down, pulling out my pencil case and math book.

A few minutes later other students started to arrive to class. Tobirama came in behind Izuna and Naruto. He looked at the back of the class and saw me, he began walking towards me and took his seat where he did on Friday. "You don't have to sit next to me, you know", I say. "I don't want to sit with those idiots, you're the only one I can really stand here". I took it as a compliment and watched as Mr Hatake stood up and addressed the class. I looked over and saw Izuna trying to get Tobirama to sit in the empty seat next to him, but Tobi didn't move. Izuna rolled his eyes and went back to talking to Naruto. The lesson started.

Half way through it I was already done with all of my work so I pulled my journal out of my bag. I had working on a manga for a while now. Three years to be exact, you always stopped and started doing it. Either that you forgot or you just didn't want to. A month ago you found the journal and continued it. You had lost it for over six months and you promised yourself you would get it done. You turned your head and noticed Tobirama watching you draw, for some reason you didn't mind. I ripped a piece of paper out of my math book and began drawing on it. I giggled at the sight of the finished project. I moved it over for Tobirama to see. He held his hand over his mouth to stop his laughter from coming out. I was a picture of Mr Hatake reading his pervy books with a bright pink cheeks and a nose bleed. The girl on the table in front of us, Tayuya, looked back and grabbed the drawing. Giggling at it and then passing it to the next person. Before we knew it everyone had seen it and was laughing. Mr Hatake noticed Naruto with something and walked over to him. "Passing notes are we Mr Uzumaki, hand it over". Naruto smirked and handed his teacher the image. Mr Hatake looked at the image and blushed. "Who did this?", he asks, holding it up so everyone can see it. He looks at his watch and walks over to the door, standing in front of it. "No one leaves until I know who did it". I sigh and put my hand up. "What is it (Y/n)?". "I did it", I say casually. I hated the attention but it was my fault and I didn't want others to suffer because of me. I watched as everyone turned back to look at me, their judging eyes piercing through me. They whisper and giggle, probably making fun of me. "Ok then, (Y/n) please stay after class and we can talk about this". I nod. I notice Tobirama is giving me a concerned look again. "Why did you give yourself up?", he asks. "If I didn't we would all be stuck in here". The bell rings and everyone gets up and leaves, except me of course.

"(Y/n) please come up to my desk". I nod and pick up my bag, walking over to our teacher. "Why did you do it?", he asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I was bored". "You know drawings like this can really hurt others feelings". I sweat drop. "How? Does this drawing offend you in anyway?". "Uh yeah kind of". "Why would you offended by it? Anyone who reads what you read would react in that way and most of the people in here are hypocrites because they probably read it too". He stares at me. "Is this about your family?", he asks. I grit my teeth. "This has nothing to do with them". "I understand that when something like your family is gone forever you will feel li-". "You're my math teacher not my councilor, how I feel is none of your concern". I then walk out of the classroom and into the cafeteria, taking a seat at my usual table.

Tobirama POV

I was sitting at my table with Hashirama and the others and watched as (Y/n) took a seat at her table. "Did you see the picture she drew of Mr Hatake?", Naruto asks. "Aw I didn't get to see it!", Kiba pouts. Shikamaru hands him his phone. "I took a picture of it". I watched as the phone went around the table and the back to Shikamaru. "Why do you think she drew it?", Izuna asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "It was just a joke, she showed me it and then that Tayuya girl took it and passed it around the class". "Maybe she was trying to impress you", Ino accuses. I raise an eyebrow. "She barely talks, she probably likes to be alone". "She's pretty weird", Sakura says. "Yeah I always wondered why she had her hood up all the time, I thought she had a really ugly face and she wanted to hide it or something", Naruto adds. I felt really angry, they had no right to judge her, they didn't know her. "She used to be popular", Sasuke says. Everyone turns to him. "What happened to her?", Ino asks. "I don't know, Itachi would never tell me but I remember her slightly from before when she used to come over to our house, she was quite pretty, boys followed her everywhere and such". Just as I was about to tell them to stop talking about her my phone buzzed.

(F/n): You look like you're about to kill someone, you alright?

I reread the message a few times and then looked over at (Y/n). I could see her smile beneath her hood.

Tobirama: I'm fine, they were just talking about something that I hated

I watched as she got her phone out and smiled down at the message.

(F/n): Well good to hear you're alright and not shitting your pants ^-^

Tobirama: You would know if I was shitting myself XD

(F/n): Ew gross XP

"What are you doing?", Hashirama asks, peaking over my shoulder. "Nothing". "Well its looks like your texting someone, is it a girl?". "Its (F/n)". Izuna jumped up. "Can you ask her if she wants to hang out with all of us?", he asks excitedly. I sigh.

Tobirama: My friends want to meet you for some reason

(F/n): Well I'm doing my first day working today so you can all come to the cafe after school if you want

"She started working in a cafe in town, she's doing her first day there and she said we can go if we want", I announce. "Is it a maid cafe?", Naruto asks, his cheeks tinted pink.

Tobirama:  One of them asks if its a maid cafe

(F/n): Ew no way, you would never catch me in a maid costume

Tobirama: Ok then, I'll see you there

(F/n): Bye Tobi

I blushed slightly at the nickname. "So is it a maid cafe?", Naruto repeats. I shake my head. "Ok what's it called?", Sakura asks. I sweat dropped, I forgot to ask. When I look down at my phone there was a message displayed there.

(F/n): Ps. The cafe is called the seven swords, its down the street from the game store

"She says its called the seven swords". "Ok then, lets go after school!", Izuna yells. We all nod. I just hope we don't embarrass her or anything. The bell rings and we all get up and head to our classes.

Two chapters in one day. Why? I don't know. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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