11. Leave!

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It was Thursday afternoon and you were currently working in the cafe. The others working there were so nice and made you feel welcome. Also you and Tobirama seemed to get even closer, you might even refer to him as a friend. You were making a coffee for an elderly woman when you heard the bell on the door. Naruto and Sasuke's gang come in and take a seat on one of the larger tables. Something that was off was that Tobirama and Izuna weren't with them but you brushed it off and continued. You finished the old woman's order and took a deep breath before heading over to their table. "Hey what can I get you guys today?", you ask in a cheerful voice. "Ramen!", Naruto exclaims. You hold you hand over your mouth as you giggle. "Sorry but we don't serve ramen here Naruto". A faint blush appeared on his whiskered cheeks. "You know my name?". "Yeah I know all of your guys names, Tobirama told me all about you".

You took there orders and hurried into the kitchen to prepare everything. While you were working you noticed two pairs of eyes glaring at you. You knew it was Ino and Sakura, why did they hate me? I hadn't even done anything. I sigh and continue making their order, its such a shame that Tobirama isn't here... I was looking forward to seeing him.

Tobirama's POV

I was asked if I wanted to go out for coffee to see (Y/n) with the others today but I declined. Of course I wanted to see her, she's my friend. But when others are around I can't hang out with the real her, I can only see the real her when its just us, alone. I was sitting on the bus with my headphones in, it was really relaxing. Now I see why she does it. It blocks out all outside noise and just calms your nerves. I relax in my seat and exhale, I wished I could sit like this forever. Suddenly I feel someone jump into the seat next to mine. I glance to the side and see an overly excited raven haired boy, Izuna. I grit my teeth and take my headphones out, sending him a glare. "Why are you here?", I growl. He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Hey no need to be so negative, I just came to hang out with you". I push his arm off and move as far away as I can in my seat. He scoffs and sends me a smirk. "What do you want?". "I want to hang out with you". I grit my teeth, I need him to leave. "No, I'm busy". He rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat. "Bullshit, you are not". I put my head phones back in and stare out the window, if I ignore him he'll eventually go away.


Fifteen minutes later it was my stop, Izuna had gotten off a few stops ago. I jumped off and gave the driver a nod before walking towards my apartment. It was cold today so I shoved my exposed hands deep into my pockets. I was shivering slightly but overall I was fine. I sighed in relief when I saw my apartment building. I walked in through the front doors and into an open elevator but just as the doors were about to close someone ran in. I turned my head and saw Izuna smiling smugly at me. "You didn't think I would give up that easily did you?". I sigh and try to ignore him but he's making it impossible. I leave the elevator and Izuna follows me. When I reach my door I turn around and glare at him. "Leave now", I say sternly. He doesn't budge, he just smirks at me with folded arms. I unlock my door and try to slip in without him getting in but he shoves the door open and runs in. "Izuna get out!", I yell at him. "Oh come on let me just hang out for a while". He begins walking around, stopping when he reaches (Y/n)'s bedroom door. He looks back at me, his smirk still present. "Haven't you been curious as to what may lie on the other side?", he asks. I run over and try to stop him but he's already in. He runs over to her draws and open the top one, I already knew what was expected in there. "Damn, I would love to see her in these". I run over and grab him by the shirt. "Leave now", I hiss. "Oh come on, are you not curious at all. What if your lovely room mate is more then meets the eye, what if she has secrets? Kinks? Don't you want to know?". I shove him against the wall, my glare intensifying. "It doesn't matter, she has the right to have privacy. Leave now before I make you!". He looks around the room, his eyes stopping at her bed. "Did you know she slept with two stuffed rabbits? Don't you want to know why that is?". He pushes me back and sits on the bed picking up the two rabbits, one was blue and the other was yellow. Around their necks were collars with writing on the metal tags. "Happy 6th birthday Sky and the other one says happy 6th birthday Shadow". Izuna hold the rabbits up. "Don't you want to know who that is? Who is Sky and who is Shadow?!". I had had enough, I grabbed Izuna by the shirt and pulled him out of the room. I then opened the front door and shoved him out. "You have no right to go through her stuff, leave and don't you fucking dare think about coming back! We aren't friends, I only hang out with you because of Hashirama. Leave me and (F/n) alone!". And with that I slammed the door closed and locked it. I looked through the peep hole and saw him just standing there, he looked angry. I sigh and dive onto the couch, my rant had me out of breath and I eventually fell asleep.


Your POV

I got into the elevator pushing the button for floor 7. I had had a great day at work aside from the fact that Sakura and Ino wouldn't stop glaring at me. I sigh and get out of the elevator as the doors open. I walk down the hall and stop at the my door, number 28. I pull out my key and unlock the door, I was quite surprised because when I got in Tobirama was fast asleep on the couch. I put my bag down and headed to my room. Something that really surprised me was that my bedroom door was open, my underwear draw was open and my stuffed rabbits had obviously been moved. I looked over at Tobirama and didn't know whether to believe it or not. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder slightly. He stirred and sat up, his tired eyes meeting with mine. "Tobirama, did you... did you go in my room?", I ask. I his eyes widen and he looks over at my open bedroom door. "I'm sorry, Izuna followed me home and came in, then he went into your room. I kicked him out though, I'm sorry he touched some of your stuff". It sounded genuine so I sent Tobirama a smile. "Ok thank you, are you hungry? I brought home some food from the cafe". He nods and we spend the rest of the night watching movies and eating cafe food.

Izuna... is an asshole and a pervert in this story. Sorry to all Izuna fans... Anyway how are you liking this story so far, is it good is it bad? Let me know. I'm sorry about my grammar, I have people correcting me all the time and yeah I want to let you know that I know. Sometimes I write the same word twice or I skip a word completely. My apologies to the grammar police, please forgive me senpai. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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