7. School again

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The alarm on your phone went off, waking you up. You groaned and rolled over, picking up your phone and turning the alarm off. You pushed yourself up off your bed and walked out into the living room. You looked around the apartment and saw that Tobirama wasn't up yet. You then went to the bathroom and had a quick shower before getting changed into your usual clothes; Jeans, a shirt and a hoodie. You brushed your fingers through your wet hair and went to the kitchen to make yourself some cereal.

You were sitting on the couch, watching tv and eating cereal and you realized that Tobirama still wasn't up. You put your bowl on the coffee table and made your way over to his door. You knocked on his door. "Hey Tobirama, its getting kinda late and we have school today!", you call. Suddenly the door opens and a sleepy Senju rubs his eyes. "Thank you for waking me up, my alarm didn't go off". You sent him a sweet smile. "No problem". Then you returned to your cereal and watched what ever it was you were watching.


You looked at your phone and knew it was time to leave. Tobirama was sitting next to you on the couch on his own phone. I got up and pulled up my hood, beginning to walk out of the apartment. "Hey wait up!", he calls. He runs after me and locks the door with his key. I sigh and pull my hood down, looking Tobirama in the eyes. "Tobirama, you're popular and I'm not, I don't want attention and you know that... I just...". "No I get that, I won't bother you at school except for maybe math class, I don't know where the bus stops are". I giggled and nodded. "OK I'll show you". The two of us walked down the street, I was a few meters ahead of him. I stopped at the bus stop and lent up against a brick building behind it. Tobirama sat in the actual bus stop and played on his phone. When the bus came we both pulled out a our student ID's and presented them to the bus driver. He gave us a nod and we found our seats. Tobirama sat somewhere in the middle and I sat all the way at the back. I liked the back, it was secluded and quiet. Since I was sitting here no one else would bother to sit next to me. I wasn't a very approachable person, with my hood up and all. I lent back in my seat and slipped my head phones into my ears, with any luck I would be able to block out everything.


The bus stopped outside school and we all jumped off. There were a few other students who took the bus too. No one well know though. I got out and began walking around by myself. I noticed Tobirama give me a concerned look before I disappeared completely. I was confused, why would he even care about that. I kept walking and stopped when I reached a large tree. I sat beneath it and pulled out my journal, beginning to draw again. It calmed me, being able to create these. This was my art, much like how Deidara liked to sculpt with his clay and Sasori liked to make puppets. This is how I expressed myself, but only for me to see, no one else. The bell rings and I let out a loud sigh. Time for another day in school or should I say hell. Well its not that bad for me. I don't get bullied but people still talk about how weird I am and stuff like that. I get up and slip my journal into my bag and beginning heading to my first class, art.

I walk into the colorful room and take my usual seat in the back. The table next to mine sat Deidara and Sasori. Most people had partners but I just did my work on my own, Miss Yuhi let me. They both looked at me and I pretended not to notice. Deidara gave me a soft smile Sasori gave me one of his rare ones. I nodded my head, acknowledging them both. They then turned back to their tables and began arguing like usual. To be honestly I slightly missed it, the rivalry between the two and also the one between Hidan and Kakuzu. Tobi was loud and annoying but he was such a sweetheart. I couldn't help but smile thinking of them all. Kisame and Itachi were like my big brothers and Pein was like our Dad. We were all just children, with out realizing it I let out a quiet giggle. Sasori and Deidara looked back at me with smirks on their faces, I blushed and looked away.

The lesson went on and we did just as Miss Yuhi said. I always wanted to be creative but I never wanted my art to stand out so I toned it done. The bell rang and I got up and walked out and went to my usual table. I put my headphones in and lent back in my chair, eating my food I had packed. I hoped the rest of the day would go as smoothly as the morning had.

Akatsuki POV

Deidara and Sasori sat at their table with the Akatsuki, smirks on their faces. "What the fuck are you two so happy about?", Hidan asks. "You'll never guess what (Y/n) did", Sasori says. Everyone had their eyes fixated on the red head. "What?", Itachi asks. "She laughed un!". Konan turned her face to where you sat. You were leaning back in your seat, munching on an apple. "So you think she's coming back?", she asks. The others shrug. Pein glares at them and hugs his girlfriend. "In due time she will realize she needs others in her life and she will come back, I bet she misses us she just doesn't want to get close to anyone after what happened". Konan nodded and hugged Pein back. "I hope so".

If you didn't already know, you are old friends of the Akatsuki. I hope you are liking this story! We are almost at 200 reads so thank you all for that. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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