16. What happened

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Tobirama's POV

We walked for a while stopping next to a small park. I looked around and noticed that it was quite beautiful. There was a small play ground and gardens full of different colored flowers. "Its beautiful, isn't it?", Konan says. I nod and then notice two people walk over to the swings. They take one each and begin swinging, just laughing and and talking. I squinted and could just make out their faces, it was (Y/n) and her brother Tora. Suddenly Konan spoke knocking me from my thoughts. "(Y/n)'s family used to be much bigger then it is now. There used to be seven of them. The youngest were 6 year old twins, a boy and a girl. Their names were Shadow and Sky, Shadow was named after the color of hair which was black and Sky was named after the Sky because she always stared up at the ceiling and giggled whenever she saw it". I nod and watch as Tora and (Y/n) get up and walk off somewhere else. Konan gave me serious look. "We better go now or we'll lose them". I nod and follow the Akatsuki to the next place.

Half an hour later we found ourselves at an arcade. The same arcade that (Y/n) had played DDR in with that girl. I remembered her crying and hugging (Y/n), something serious must've happened. We look in and see (Y/n) and Tora playing a couple of the machines. She's smiling and laughing, it made me feel warm inside. "The next was a twelve year old girl named Ivy. Unlike the others her name had no reasoning, they just liked it I guess. Ivy was a gamer just like (Y/n), they used to come here everyday after school. (Y/n) and Ivy were very close mainly because their age gap was only by a year, they were like best friends...", Konan trails off. We hide behind a building as we watch (Y/n) and Tora leave the arcade and walk through town to their next location. This time we follow, close yet not close enough to be noticed.

After ten minutes of walking they turn into a cafe. It was very nice, not exactly fancy but it was beautifully decorated. We walk in after them and I send Konan an uneasy look. "Its fine, we always hire out a table which no one can see". I nod and we all head in. We take a seat and I look over to see Tora and (Y/n) ordering lunch. "Remember not to be loud or draw any attention to us or she will know", Pein warns. We all nod. We all order our food and sit eating it. I was sipping my drink when the blonde, Deidara, asked me something. "What's it like with the other popular group un?", he asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I think its boring". Hidan cocks his eyebrow. "Then why the fuck do you hang out with them?". "My brother is really annoying and whines if I don't, also when people know we are related people start to treat us different. I never get to make my own friends because people just see us as popular", I say. They all nod. "Its a bit unfair, you should be able to make your own friends", Sasori says. I nod and finish my food. "So what's the significance of this place?", I ask Konan. "(Y/n)'s mother and father actually met here and used to come here every Tuesday during their lunch breaks". I nod and watch as (Y/n) and Tora get up and leave. We do the same and follow them to a bus stop.

"The next place is a little further away, we are gonna need to catch the next bus that comes. If we take the same one as them they may see us". I nod and watch as (Y/n) and Tora board their bus and drive away. Five minutes later another bus pulled over and we jumped on. I wondered where we were going. We drove out of town and into a residential area, it was nice and quiet here. I looked out the window and saw (Y/n) and Tora standing in front of a large house. They were talking again, less laughing this time though. The bus pulled over a little ways down the street and we made our way to the house. We hid behind a hedge and peaked through, (Y/n) and Tora were still there. "Who's house is that?", I ask. "That used to be their house", Itachi says. I nod and watch as the siblings walk down the street. We follow them, making sure to keep our distance.

"On (Y/n)'s 13th birthday 4 years ago her family decided to pretend that they forgot. (Y/n) woke up confused that no one had wished her happy birthday or even really spoken much to her. She went grocery shopping with her father and when she came back she was given a surprise birthday party. Her brothers and sisters had done everything, decorated the entire house, made food ect. But unfortunately they forgot to make a cake. When they told her she laughed and said it was fine but her parents really wanted her to have a cake. Her mother father, Ivy, Shadow and Sky all got into the car and drove into town to get a cake. Once they got it they drove back but...". Konan trailed off as a cemetery came into view. "Their car was hit... all five of them were killed". Tobirama looked over and saw (Y/n) kneeling in front of five graves, tears running down her face, her brother holding her in his arms. "A drunk driver was driving full speed down the road and collided head first with them, the drunk driver survived with major injuries. When they healed they killed themselves out of guilt but (Y/n) blamed herself for the entire thing. She says that if she went she could've at least saved one of them. If she it wasn't her birthday they wouldn't have had to get the cake. If she didn't exist they could all live happily". Konan's voice cracks and she begins to cry. I was frozen in place, I didn't dare to move or speak, mainly because I couldn't. I couldn't even comprehend the pain she must be going through. To lose not one but five of the most important people in her life and be left alone. "I want to help her", I say quietly. Konan suddenly hugs me. "P-please, bring her back", she sobs. I don't know what to do so I nod. "I'll try". "Then you can hang out with us", Kisame smirks. My eyes widen. "Really?". "Yeah, you seem pretty cool", Sasori says trying to sound uninterested. I nod. "Ok then, I'll try and get her back".

We all head back to the bus and get off one at a time at our stops. I get off at mine and wave to Konan and Pein who were the only two left with me. I walk back up to our apartment and unlock the door. I hear crying and see (Y/n) laying face down on the couch. I didn't see Tora around so he must've left. I walk over and sit next to her. She doesn't bother to move, she just continues to cry. "(Y/n) please stop", I whisper. She sits up and wipes her eyes, hiding her face. "Stop what?", she snaps. "Stop blaming yourself, its not your fault". She pulls her hands away, revealing her pink puffy eyes. "You know?", she asks. I nod. Suddenly she hugs me, beginning to sob into my chest. "I m-miss them". Unlike with Konan this felt right, I wrapped my arms around her and gently rubbed her back until she had calmed down. "We should go to bed, we have school tomorrow", I say. (Y/n) doesn't respond. I look down at her face and see that she has fallen asleep. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to her bedroom, making sure not to wake her. I lay her in her bed and pull the blanket over her body. She looks so peaceful, I can't stop myself from leaning forward. My lips meet her forehead and I quickly pull away, my cheeks a dark red. I quickly leave, making sure to take one last look at her.

With Sakura and Ino

Sakura held her phone out in front of the two of them. It was on speaker so they could both hear it. "Hello this is Konaha girls academy, what can I do for you today?", a woman on the other side says. "Oh hi, I was wondering if there were any student there under the name (F/n)", Ino says. "Hold on, let me have a look". The sound of a mouse being clicked is all that can be heard. "I'm sorry but there are no student currently here by that name, the only one is a (F/n) Ryuzaki and they graduated five years ago". "Ok thank you for your time, it must be a different school". "Bye then". Sakura hung up and turned to Ino. "So what does that mean? (F/n) doesn't actually exist and that girl has faked her name?", Sakura asks. Ino nods. "I think its someone that we know and they don't want the attention so they changed their name", Ino says. Sakura's face lights up. "I think I know who it is". "Who?!". Sakura grabs her laptop and opens the internet typing the name (Y/n) (L/n) into the search bar.

Sad... so sad! Well its not a good story without dead parents, right? Sorry that just made me sound really insensitive. Thank you to all the people who actually are reading this trash mountain. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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