6. The DDR queen

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"You must be (Y/n), welcome to the Seven swords family, I'm Mangetsu Hozuki", he said. I gave him a polite smile. "So do I have the job?", I ask. He nods. "We read your application and were very intrigued, I mean I have never met anyone who wants to be a manga artist before", He enthuses. I blush slightly. "Are you good at drawing?", He asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I guess so". "Well you should bring in some of your work, I have always thought about renovated this place a little bit. It would be awesome to have the walls covered in manga art, don't you think?". I hesitate and think, I actually did think it would be awesome. "Yeah I think it would look awesome", I say. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Well lets go meet the others". He offers hand to me and I take it.

He begins leading me to what I think is the break room. There were quite a few people in there. "Everyone this is the new recruit". All the people look at me, I have to admit they are a strange bunch. "I'll introduce you to everybody, so there is Kushimaru". A man with long hair and wearing a mask. "Ameyuri". The only female. "Zabuza". A tall man with a bandage like mask. "Jinpachi". A man with a beard and eye patch. "Jinin". A man with a large nose. "Fugaku". A large man with tiger stripes on his face. "And Chojuro". A short boy around my age with blue hair and glasses, he blushed when we made eye contact. "Jinpachi, Jinin and Fugaku are the chefs, Chojuro is on dishes and then there is Zabuza, Ameyuri and Kushimaru up front, you'll be with them". "Its nice to meet you all", I say. Ameyuri come up and squeezes my cheeks. "Damn you're so pretty, do you have a boyfriend?". I blush and shake my head. "No". Suddenly my phone buzzes, before I can even react Ameyuri grabs it and looks at the message on screen. "Olala who's Tobirama", she coos. I blush and snatch my phone out of her hands. "My room mate". "Well he says he hopes you get the job", she says, sending me a wink. Mangetsu slapped her on the back of the head and sends her a glare. "You can stop teasing her now, (Y/n) it said that you have experience in working in a cafe?". I nod. "Yeah I used to work in a cafe a few years ago". He smiles. "Well that's good, we won't have to show you how anything works". I nod and let Mangetsu give me a tour of the cafe. They had closed it for an hour to show me around such and honestly I had fun. The other people who worked there were pretty fun to hang out with and I really enjoying myself.

After all that I walked out of the cafe and texted Tobirama.


I'm finished, text me me when you wanna meet up

I then began walking around, finding myself in a place I found quite familiar. It was the arcade, I hadn't been there since last year on my birthday. I sigh and begin walking around with my hands shoved into my pockets. Suddenly I see an old machine I know all to well, the old DDR. I smile at the memories of the machine, dancing crazily as if no one was watching, I couldn't help but smile at the memory. Suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind, I turned and saw someone I hadn't seen in years. She smiled at me. "I didn't think I would see you in here till next week", she said. I smiled at her. "Well I was wandering around and thought I pay her a visit", I say, nodding towards the machine. She pulls out a coin and shows it to me. "Wanna play?", she asks. I wasn't sure about it. "I-I don't know", I say quietly. I looked up at the girl, her name was Bebe, a friend of my sister, Ivy. I watched as tears brimmed in her eyes. "P-please (Y/n), I miss her and I want to do it again", the fourteen year old whimpered. I sighed and gave her a hug. "Ok, one game". She hugged me back, tighter then ever. "Thank you, you won't regret this".

We step onto the mats and choose the song. It was Ivy's favorite song on here. We waited for it to start. Bebe looked to me with a smile. "You ready?", she asks. I nod. "I always am". (Song is in media above^^). The music started and I started to remember it . I knew the routine back to front, I could do it with my eyes closed. I started doing the dance, my expression was slightly sad. But then I heard laughter from beside me. I turned and saw Bebe having most fun in her entire life. She jumping around and smiling, tears running down her cheeks. It put a smile on my own face. I giggled and laughed with her, not realizing we had a gathered a crowd.

Konan's POV

We were walking around again and hear something going on, some people were running. "Where's is everyone running to?", Kisame asks a kid. "There's someone playing DDR in the arcade and they're killing it", he says, running towards the arcade. The Akatsuki's faces light up. "Do you think its her, un?", Deidara asks. We all shrug. Tobi begins running. "(Y/n)-chan is the queen of DDR of course its going to be her". It didn't take us very long to get there and when we heard the song we knew it was really her. We pushed through the crowd and watched as (Y/n) danced around with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but start crying again, Pein wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt happy seeing her smile, I missed it more then anything.

Tobirama's POV

I was walking around when I saw people running. I heard a group of them talking. "That girl is back in the arcade and she's absolutely destroying the DDR", one boy says. "Yeah lets go look". The group ran off, leaving me curious. I hadn't played DDR since I was child and I wanted to see someone really good at it. I began running towards the arcade. I pushed through the crowd and saw (Y/n) and a girl playing DDR. A felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of her, she was laughing and having so much fun. I had never seen her so happy.

Your POV

The song finished and Bebe and I did the final pose. The crowd behind up cheered and clapped for us but I didn't care for that. I looked at Bebe, her face full of emotion. Eyes full of sadness yet a smile was present on her face. She tacked me in a hug and cried into my shoulder. "Thank y-you, I-I just miss her s-so much", she sobbed. I rubbed her back. "Don't worry, I miss her too". She pull away and some of Ivy's other friends come over, some crying. I hugged them all and then they left. The crowd disappeared and all that was left was Tobirama and the Akatsuki. First I saw Konan, her amber eyes red from crying. I walked slowly towards her, my eyes glue to the floor. Then my body moved on its own, I hugged her. I felt her body tense and then finally relax into the hug. She hugged me tight, as if never wanting to let go. "I'm sorry", I whisper. She sobs louder and shakes her head. "You don't have to apologize, after everything I should be the one apologizing". I smile at her. "You don't have to worry about me Konan, I'm better off alone". I then leave her to walk over to Tobirama. I knew he was curious as to what happened and why every one was crying. Some times I wish I didn't have to know either but there were always things that reminded me what happened. I smiled at Tobi. "Are you ready to go home?", I ask. He nods. "I didn't know you were so good at DDR", he says showing a rare smile. You couldn't help but smile back. "You're lucky, I don't show many people".

Chapter number six is done. I so badly wanted to write this part so I wrote it straight after I wrote part five. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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