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— 3rd

Tae jolts awake with sweat and tears all over his face.
His members are around him, looking at him in worry.
The latter backs away shaking his head and whimpering.

"N-no p-please. Do-don't t-touch me." Tae whimpers.

He curls up and hugs himself, burying his face into his chest.
Yoongi runs to his side and engulfs him in a hug.
Tae gasps loudly and starts trashing around in the embrace.

"Shhh calm down baby. It's just me, it's alright baby." Yoongi whispers.

Tae soon stops trashing around and melts into Yoongi's hug.
Yoongi rubs Tae's back soothingly.
The younger sobs into his boyfriend's chest as the rest look at them and smile.


"Taehyung has been doing great progress in recovering. You can take him back once you fill up these forms." A nurse smiles at the boys and ruffles Tae's hair.

"Thank you noona." Tae smiles warmly.

The nurse smiles and bows at the boys before walking away.
The boys smile at turn their attention to Tae who was snuggled up beside Yoongi.

"It's your birthday tomorrow sweetie!" Jin smiles.

Tae perks up and squeals. "It is!"

The boys chuckle at the latter's reaction.
Happy smiles fill their faces as excitement crawls into them.
Love and happiness are all they feel.

A soft kiss was pressed unto Tae's lips by Yoongi.
Moving their lips in sync, Tae blushes.

"Tomorrow will be a blast!" Jimin cheers.


243 words

Hey guys!
Face reveal is tomorrow on my Instagram book ;) *finds a decent picture of me that doesn't make me look like a potato*
I can't believe it, my first book ever is ending tomorrow *sniffs*
I'm going to TRY to update all my books tomorrow.
As in Taehyung's birthday chapter for all my books :)
I'll do my best!
Check out my other books pleaseee.
Thank you so much for reading!
Saranghae ~ ❤️

notes | taegi [completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora