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— 3rd

Tae's eyes flutter open only to close due to the rays of sunlight.
His lips curve into a small smile from seeing light.

Light, a funny word for him, the word that he lost meaning to, the word that is now foreign to him.

Tae falls deep into thought.
His wrist screaming in pain from the handcuffs poking them.
The young latter was so pale due to the amount of blood lost.
His eyes red and puffy from so much crying.


"Alright, we've managed to narrow your member's location to this abandoned warehouse in the outskirts of Daegu." A police officer starts.

The boys bursts into beautiful smiles.
Yoongi's eyes brighten so much, a stray tears leaks out.

"We will leave now. It will take around 15 minutes to reach the warehouse." Another office adds.

"This guy, Sang Hong, is a wanted criminal. He's been charged for raping and torturing his victims." A third office explains.

Yoongi clenched his hands into fists.
He mutters curse words under his breath.
The officers eye him in worry and looks to their leader.
They signal Namjoon to follow them.

"What's wrongs officers?" Namjoon asks.

"What is his relationship to the victim." The first office asks, pointing to Yoongi.

"Yoongi hyung is Tae's boyfriend. The victims lover." Namjoon explains.

The offices 'oh' and nod their heads.

"We'll be leaving now."

The boys perk up and walk to the van they were going in.
Speeding off to the warehouse, Yoongi twirl his promise ring.


Tae stares at the entrance of the warehouse.
Eyeing it in fear as he heard noises.
He prays for it not to be Sang Hong.

The doors slams open and Tae flinches, looking away.
He looks back to see Sang Hong on the floor with a police office on him.

Tears stream down his face as relief washes over him.
He tugs on to restraint but let's out a strained but loud whimpers.

"He's over there!" Another office shouts and points at Tae.

"Tae!" A voice shouts.

The voice that Tae feel in love with.
The voice that keeps Tae safe.
The voice that Tae has been yearning for.
The voice that Tae needs forever.
The voice that is perfect to Tae.

He feels warm hands on his icy cold body.
Everything is blury as he only focuses on his lover.
An officer takes off the restraint and Tae's arms fall limp.

"Tae? Baby?" Yoongi calls out holding the weakened Tae in his arms.

"H-hyung?" Tae whispers out.

"Yes love?"

"I'm sleepy." Tae whispers and blinks his eyes.

"No no no baby. I know you're sleepy. We'll go home and then you can sleep." Yoongi places a soft kiss on Tae's forehead.

"But that's too long hyung." Tae whispers as Yoongi lifts him up bridal style.

Yoongi starts to run towards the entrance.
There, they boys gasp seeing Tae's condition.
Bloody, bruised and pale.

"T-Tae." Jimin sniffs and caresses Tae's cheek.

"J-Jiminie. I'm sleepy." Tae mumbles as his lips curve into a small smile.

The boys are alarmed at this and their eyes widen.
Namjoon calls for some medics as Yoongi goes into the van.
Jimin goes in as well and holds onto Tae's limp hand.

"Not now Tae, soon you can sleep. For now, stay awake for Yoongi, for all of us." Jimin whispers.

"B-but I want to close my eyes Jiminie, I'm so tired." Tae whispers as his eyes blink in tiredness.

"No baby please don-" Yoongi gets cut off by the van screeching to a stop.

The doors open and Tae is taken out of Yoongi's arms.
Tae's eyes closing and opening slowly.
Yoongi and Jimin runs and follow the nurses.
Flashes of cameras and their fans surrounding the hospital.


630 words

Hey guys!
So Tae is saved :D
But will he survive ? :/
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Saranghae ~ ❤️

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