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— myg

I knock on Tae's door. Softly. I could hear sobs and sniffling behind that door.

"Come in" I heard a small voice say.

I push the door open and gently close it behind me.

"Oh h-hyung, what are y-you doing here?" Tae asks me whist wiping the tears off his face but it was no use. More tears flow down his face.

"I just came to check up on you."

"Thanks h-hyung. But I'm f-fine."

"No you are not"

I walk over to Tae and I hug him. He flinches at first but quickly hugs back.

"Th-thank you h-hyung."

"Shh, it's my duty Tae"

— 3rd

After being in the embrace for a long time, Tae finally fell asleep.
Yoongi lifts Tae and gently places him on his bed and covers him with the blanket.
Yoongi then pecks Tae's forehead. He gets up to leave but Tae was holding his wrist.
Yoongi sighs.

He then climbs onto the bed. Careful on not to wake the younger brunette up.
He look at the sleeping boy. He looks so peaceful.

He was so beautiful. From those big doe eyes to the strong, sharp jawline. And those lovely bronze cheeks that looks so soft like pillows. The amazing soft, plumply lips of his that was always tinted pink.
Lastly the sharp collarbones and would pop out to say 'hi' whenever he wore loose clothes. Yoongi admires everything about this beautiful brunette.

He smiles and he look at the sleeping boy and quietly doses off.

*next morning*

One by one, they boys of Bangtan walks out of their rooms.
Except Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jin asks while placing their breakfast on the dining table.

"More importantly, where's Yoongi?" Namjoon says.

They shrugged and walk over to Taehyung's room. They open the door slowly as they didn't want to wake him up.
Jimin peeks into the room and immediately brings his head out and squeals, but a quiet one, surprisingly.

"What? What?" asks Hoseok who was finally fully awake. They rest of the boys were also very intrigued.

"Yoongi-hyung is in there with TaeTae and they are sleeping together."

"Awwwwwwww" the rest reply.

"I wanna see! I need to see!" says Hoseok.

He opens the door slowly and see the two. He internally squeals. He starts to close the door but accidentally trips on someone's foot causing him too fall.
Loud and hard.

"Oww!" he shouts.

— myg

I was in dreamland dreaming about my TaeTae. When suddenly I heard a loud thud. I woke up and see the boys staring at Hoseok and then they change their gaze to me.
I gave them the deadliest glare.
They look at me and I could see them smirking. I was so confused on why they were smirking.
Then it hit me.


I quickly got up and step down onto the floor carefully. I didn't want to wake TaeTae up.
After all, he has been under so much stress.
With no luck, he woke up.

He sat up rubbing his eyes with his hair messed up in all directions and his sweater hanging off one shoulder which showed off his collarbones. I gulped.

"Morning guys. What are you guys doing here anyways?" asks Tae. His voice was all raspy since he just woke up.
With his smooth deep voice and adding the raspy morning voice, I internally died. I found that sexy as hell.

"We just came to check up on you. Are you okay sweetie?" asks Jin.

"I'm umm...fi-fine. I guess?" he replies as the memories from the phone call came rushing back to him. Tears started coming down his eyes as he covers them with his hands.

A rush of sadness came over us. Seeing our fluff ball of happiness (after Hoseok) and energy all sad was hurting all of us. And we didn't know what to do.
I quickly run over to Tae and hug him. Tightly.

Tae grabs on and begins sobbing.

"Shh. It's okay Tae. Don't cry. We are all here for you." I say to try and calm Tae down.
The rest joins in and hugs us. He finally stops.

We look over to him and see that he fell asleep. I put him down carefully and walk out the down with the other following behind.

— ksj

"Wow Yoongi! I didn't know you could calm people down." I say to Yoongi.

"Especially someone you like." Namjoon says while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yah! Shut up okay. I just really care about him. I just feel so sad seeing him like this. I wish I could do something to make him happy." Yoongi replies.

Nothing could escape my eyes. I could see the light pink blush on his cheeks but it quickly left. I smirked.

"I never knew Yoongi-hyung could be all soft and fluffy underneath the coldness." says Jungkook while laughing.

"Yah! I'm still swag!"

"Okay! Shut up and eat your breakfast! I'm going to go wake up TaeTae for breakfast." I say. The boys immediately keep quiet and start eating. I smile and walk over to Taehyung's room.


— 3rd

Jin came out of Taehyung's room with Tae trailing behind him.
He was rubbing his eyes and was carrying a stuffed teddy.
He took his seat in the dining table and looks down at his food.

Breakfast is pancakes. His favourite.
Tae wasn't touching his food. Instead he just looks at it.

"Why aren't you eating Tae?" asks a concerned Jin.

"I'm not hungry hyung. I don't want to eat. I'm going to take a shower." he replies.

With that being said, Tae leaves and walks to the bathroom to take a shower.
The boys look at each other in shock.
They were worried.
They decided to ignore this and continue to eat.

Little do they know that this would become worst...

Or would it?

1000 words

Hey guy!
Here, another shitty chapter.
I know it's boring.
I promise it'll get better! I hope...
Thanks for reading! Please comment and give suggestions! Pleaseee
See you in the next chapter!

notes | taegi [completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя