Chapter 9

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Lol I actually didn't think people read this! Gah but thank you!


You kept walking and finally asked her “Uhm but I hope you don’t mind me asking but what’s your name?” you asked lightly.

“Me? Well I’m Lilynette Gingerbuck! It’s nice to meet you” she said cheerfully but something about her was different like she was hiding something else. “I work with Coyote Starrk, I don’t know if you met him yet but he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes but its fun teasing him! And every morning I wake him up!” she said with a smile.

“Oh okay haha well why am I going to see Aizen?” you asked.

“Well he says that he has assigned you to an Espada so you’re going to be a Fraccion too” she said and you started to get nervous. What if the Espada doesn’t like you? Then what are you gonna do?

“Oh um okay” you said getting butterflies. “Don’t worry it won’t be too bad! But um can I ask you something?” she said stopping to look at you.

“Uh sure” you said already knowing what she’s gonna say. “Is it true? That you and Vega-kun…you know…” she said with wide, curious eyes.

“What? No! I never did anything with Vega trust me! Vega would never do something like that to a girl, especially on her first day!” You said.

“Hehe okay just wanted to make sure” she said “Make sure? What do you mean?” you asked. “What did you think I would believe something as retarded as that story? Loly’s more of the jealous type so I figured it was just a lie” she said smiling at you.

“Oh okay” you said a bit relieved. “But have you met her yet?” she asked.

“No not yet and I kinda don’t want to” you said. “Hehe it’s okay she’s not that bad! She just wants Aizen’s love to herself that’s all but since she couldn’t get that she decided to go for someone else that could be easier and that someone was Ggio” she said. "But I don't blame her, Ggio is pretty cute. You're a lucky girl to be that close to him" she explained.

“Oh…” you said sadly looking down. “Do you like him?” she asked getting more curious.

“What? No! I just met the guy! Why would I-“ you stopped as you looked at her expression. It was like a, ‘Come on, I know you’re lying just tell me the truth’ kind of look.

You sighed and said, “Maybe…just a little though but we’re only friends!” you claimed. “Hehe okay whatever you say ____ but you know what? I like you. You’re a nice girl and I’m sure you’re probably better at handling Vega better than Loly anyways. She really doesn’t deserve him and besides the truth is she only finds him cute but she doesn’t know a whole lot about him” she finished as she started walking.

“Oh uh thanks for um telling me” you said

“Hehe your welcome! I never really liked Loly anyways. First day I came, she tried to kill me just for talking to Aizen alone but anyways we’re here! This is his throne room and he’s right inside” she said as you two stopped at a large white door.

“Um thanks Lilynette-san” you said “No problem ____-chan! And uh good luck with Vega-kun!” she said skipping off and you blushed.


But thank you, you guys who read this! It means a lot! I hope you liked it!

Bleach--He's My Tiger--A Ggio Vega Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu