Chapter 24

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Stiles: I have found a solution to this whole Christmas situation

Derek: What is it?

Stiles: Why don't we just have a giant Christmas celebration at like the city hall or something? Some place huge

Derek: But what about the present exchange? How's that going to work?

Stiles: Our families don't need to get presents for each other, that's just extra but when present time comes, all the kids open their presents and then the adults open their presents

Derek: Are you sure it's gonna work? My family and your family are pretty decent sized you know.

Stiles: It'll be fiiiine besides, this way we can spend it with both of our families without splitting the time

Derek: I guess you're right. That also means double the food and a mix of family recipes.

Stiles: Exactly! It'll be awesome. What do you say?

Derek: I'm in. I just have to talk to my mom about it.

Stiles: I'll talk to my dad and grandma. I'll talk to you later with the news!

Derek: Same here. Talk to you later honeyduke.

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