Chapter 8

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Derek: My sister seen your name on my phone.

Stiles: And...?

Derek: She has this idea in her head that we're dating. She won't leave me alone about it.

Stiles: Haha bud you have fun with that. Are you a homo? 'Cause I'm homo so like, ya know

Derek: Well I'm bi so yeah I guess.


Derek: ?

Stiles: You're like a god man. You have like the whole body/personality package even if you can be a little antisocial at times.

Derek: Stiles, are you okay?

Stiles: Okay now I'm rolling my eyes at you. I'm fine! Take the compliment my friend

Derek: Okay. Thanks. Anymore about that family picnic you're dragging me to?

Stiles: Besides the fact that your sister is going to question you even more about us, nope just that it's in two days lol

Derek: Crap. I forgot about that. Will you tell her we're not dating? Maybe she'll listen to you.

Stiles: Me? Talk to another crazy Hale? Sorry bud but I'll have to pass

Derek: Did you just call me crazy? What have I ever done?

Stiles: You're talking to me obviously you gotta be a little crazy. Like somehow you gotta deal with this whole lotta weirdness

Derek: Whatever you say Stiles. What are you doing right now?

Stiles: Studying for an upcoming Chem test. Why?

Derek: Do you want to go get lunch?

Stiles: Yes! Man you sure do know the way to my heart

Derek: You know it. Be ready in ten minutes. I'll head over to your dorm.

Stiles: Okay, see ya soon big guy

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