Chapter 2

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Stiles: Hey :)

Derek: Uhm...hey? Why are you still texting me?

Stiles: What? A guy can't talk to another?

Derek: Yes when they know each other well enough.

Stiles: is typing...

Stiles: Well I think that's bull crap so here I am

Stiles: Texting you again

Derek: What do you want?

Stiles: Oh! I have a joke

Stiles: Knock Knock

Derek: No one is home.

Stiles: Let's try this again. Knock knock

Derek: is typing...

Derek: Who's there?

Stiles: Theodore

Derek: Theodore who?

Stiles: Theodore was locked so I knocked

Derek: is typing...

Derek: That was a dumb joke.

Stiles: Those are the only ones I tell sweet pea ;)

Derek: Never call me that again.

Stiles: Fine I get it. No homo man

Stiles: However I'm all the homo so you're going to have to deal with this

Derek: No I don't have to.

Stiles: But you haven't blocked me yet and I'll just spam your phone with texts

Stiles: Like I'm going to do right now

Stiles: Since you won't text me now

Stiles: I bet you're reading these right now

Derek: is typing...

Stiles: Okay I seen you type.

Stiles: There's no turning back

Derek: I have work. Bye.

Stiles: Bye :) have fun at work

Accidentally in Love || Sterek [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now