Chapter 10

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Derek awkwardly looked around at all of Stiles' family gathered around the picnic tables. Stiles is currently talking to one of his cousins about some crazy thing him and Scott did. So far Derek hasn't had to socialize much but that didn't help that fact that he feels like he shouldn't be here.

Before Derek left to go meet up with Stiles, Laura caught him in the hallway and asked where he was going. Derek tried to think of something else to say besides that he's going with Stiles but he's never been a very good liar. Laura made squealing noises which then attracted Cora. It was a mess by time Derek could leave.

Stiles' cousin walks away and Stiles turns to Derek.

"Having fun? I know it isn't the best thing you could be doing but thanks for coming," Stiles says.

Derek smiles at him. "You didn't want to be alone. It was the least I could do to give you some company. Even though I feel very out of place."

"I can fix that. Let's go talk to my grandma."

"Stiles, you said she would talk my ear off."

"Oh, she will but she will also introduce you to some more family members." Stiles leads Derek over to an aging woman with dark hair. Derek eyebrows furrow, there's not a gray hair on her head. "Gran! How are you?"

Stiles' grandma turns away from a conversation with Stiles' dad. "Pumpkin! Why didn't you come see me sooner? I was stuck talking with your father."

John shakes his head, telling gran he'll talk to her later before walking off.

"Sorry gran. I brought you someone to talk to though." Stiles grins, nodding his head towards Derek. Derek gives a little wave with an awkward smile.

Gran's face lights up. "Stiles, is this your boyfriend? Oh he's so cute! What's your name, dear?"

"I'm, uh, Derek. Stiles and I are just friends," Derek replies. Gran rolls her eyes, tutting.

"Just friends? I've been around too long to believe that but I promised I would stay out of my grandchildren's love lives."

"Okay gran. Ya got us. We're a little...more than friends?" Stiles gives Derek a questioning look and Derek nods. "That's if you want to put a label on it." Stiles' eyes drift over a family member walking by. "Oh, hey Amelia! I have to talk to you."

Stiles leaves Derek standing alone with gran. Already, Derek feels awkward but somehow comforted with this woman's presence.

Gran glances back at Stiles before turning her attention to Derek. "Stiles has always had a bit of a multi-tracked mind. He really kept me on my toes when he was younger."

"He definitely does that with me now. I never know what to expect out of him but it's Stiles so I can't complain." Derek smiles at the memory of him and Stiles going to the supermarket to get ice cream at two in the morning.

"I can tell you really like him. It's John's job to give you the classic 'don't hurt my boy' speech." Gran's voice drops to a whisper and she leans in closer to Derek, "Even though I know Stiles can handle himself just fine." Her voice goes back to its normal volume, "I'll only tell you one thing: life is too short for you to let anyone slip between your fingers. Even my hyperactive butterball over there."

Derek stays silent for a few seconds, thinking things over in his head. He really did like Stiles but he didn't know how to exactly precede. He didn't want to mess up what they had going now but they could have so much more.

Gran must've sensed him thinking about it. "Take it from an elder, don't wait until life has sped by and you're regretting not taking a leap."

A little boy comes up to Derek, pulling on his finger. Derek looks down at him, confused. Derek glances over at gran only to see that she's no longer standing there. How did she move that fast?

The little boy tugs on his finger again. "Will you play with me? Sti usually does but he's still talking to mommy."

"Of course." Derek smiles at the boy as he grins and pulls him towards an open area.

"Sti and I play knight and dragon but we can play something else," the little one explains.

"What's your name?"


"That's a very cool name, Seamus. I'm Derek."

"I just thought of a new game! Close your eyes."

On Seamus' command, Derek closes his eyes and Seamus lets go of his finger. Derek hears quiet talking in the background but he can't tell what Seamus is doing.

"Okay, open!" Derek opens his eyes and Seamus has a big grin on his face. "You gotta go on a quest to find your keys."

Derek gives the young boy a confused look and pats his pockets, not feeling his keys anyway. Weird, he could've sworn he stuffed them in his jacket. His jacket that Stiles was carrying.

"You got my keys from Stiles, didn't you?" Derek has an amused expression on his face. Seamus nods proudly. "How do I find my keys, old wise one?" Derek bows to the boy.

Seamus must find it funny because he giggles and bows in return. He puts on a sophisticated voice and says, "To find what you have lost, you gotta ask why you have lost it."

"I lost them because I left them in the hands of your lovely Sti." Seamus shakes his head and Derek raises an eyebrow. "I lost them because I am not wise in the art of losing?"

Seamus seems to think this over before nodding to Derek's nonsense. "Yes."

Stiles looks around for Derek after Amelia excuses herself. He expects to see him with gran still but gran has started talking to someone else.

Oh right, Stiles thinks to himself, Seamus got a hold of him.

Stiles looks in the direction of the open grass area and there he sees Derek following Seamus around, looking like he's paying attention to every word that comes out of the young boy's mouth. Stiles smiles as he watches Derek smirk before he surprises Seamus by picking him up and ticking him. Seamus' laughs can be heard from the picnic area and soon everyone is looking over at the two.

Stiles smiles, knowing he's falling way too deep for Derek but not regretting a single thing.

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