Chapter 12

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Derek: You busy?

Stiles: Yeah a little bit. Just editing a paper for Sociology. Just five more minutes?

Derek: Sure. Text me when you are done.

Derek: Stiles it's been an hour. Are you okay?

Derek: I talked to Scott and he said he hasn't seen you. Where are you?

Stiles: I'm sorry! I fell asleep in the library and the librarian just let me sleep. Can you believe that?!

Derek: You had me worried. I'm glad you're okay and she usually just lets the students sleep for twenty minutes. Are you her favorite?

Stiles: Ha! I might be although I swear I brought a coffee with me

Derek: Wow. It must have been the ghost of the third floor.

Stiles: What?!

Derek: I'm joking! Did you sleep off your sense of humor when you were in there?

Stiles: Hahaha I'm totally not rolling my eyes at you right now. Nope. That would be the craziest thing ever >.>

Derek: Oh? You're gonna start using faces? Well B-) you can't handle me.

Stiles: Whatever you say Der. You're definitely so much cooler than me how can I even?

Stiles: Is there something you wanted to talk about? You seemed extremely worried earlier

Derek: Yeah there was something I wanted to ask you. But it can wait if you're still busy.

Stiles: Nah I'm not busy anymore. I'm finished now

Derek: I want to ask you in person. Are you up for ice cream?

Stiles: Definitely! Give me twenty minutes to get back to my dorm and change

Derek: Sure thing. See you in twenty.

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