The Waters Of Mars Pt. 2

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"Captain, that sound we heard from the Biodome. I've run it through diagnostics. According to the computer, it's, it's Andy. It registers as the voice print of Andy Stone."

"Understood. Double check, thanks."

"Air pressure stabilised."

"Andrew? Andrew Stone? It's Captain Brooke. Andy, report. I need to see you. Where are you?" Adelaide asks as the Doctor sonics a computer terminal and the lights come back on.

"There you go."

"What's that device?"

"Screwdriver" {Y/N} says.

"Is he the Doctor or the janitor?"

"I don't know. Sounds like him. The maintenance man of the universe" {Y/N} says.

"You two stay with me. Don't step out of my sight. Tarak, go to External Door South. Make sure it's intact."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Quite an achievement. First flower on Mars in ten thousand years. And you're growing veg!" the Doctor says.

"It's that lot. They're already planning Christmas dinner. Last year it was dehydrated protein, this year they want the real thing."

"Still, fair enough. Christmas."

"If we must."

"You've got birds!" {Y/N} says.

"It's part of the project, to keep the insect population down."

"Good sign."

"In what way?"

"Well, they're still alive" {Y/N} says.

"Captain, good news. It's Maggie. She's awake. She's back with us. Hey. How are you, soldier? Just take it easy. Can you remember what happened?"

"I was just working. Then I woke up here."

"What about Andy? We can't find him. Was he, all right?"

"I don't know. I just..."

"If you remember anything, let me know straight away."

"Yuri, does she know how she ended up in the tunnel?" Ed asks.

"And keep the comms clear. Everything goes through me, got that?"

*Time skip*

"This is Sickbay. We have a situation. Maggie's condition has. I don't know. I don't know what it is. It's water, just pouring out" Yuri says.

"Yuri, calm down, just tell me what's happened to her" Adelaide asks.

"The skin is sort of broken around the mouth. And she's exuding water, like she's drowning."

"Tarak, this area's unsafe. We're going back. Tarak? Tarak!"

"Where was he?" {Y/N} asks looking around, the Doctor, {Y/N} and Adelaide look around and soon find Tarak on his knees with Andy's hand on his head. Water is pouring from both of them.

"Andy, just leave him alone" the Doctor says.

"Step away from him" Adelaide says.

"I can help, I promise. I can help. Just leave that man alone" {Y/N} says.

"I order you to stop. Stop, or I'll shoot" Adelaide says.

"Andy, I'm asking you to take your hand away from him and listen to me" {Y/N} says calmly, Andy releases Tarak "there now, that's better, hmm? So, you must be Andy. Hello" {Y/N} grins, Tarak looks at them. He has been transformed, too, {Y/N}'s grin flattens.

"We've got to go" the Doctor says, the chase is on. Adelaide, {Y/N} and the Doctor get to the airlock first "set the seals on maximum!" they get into the airlock just before Andy fires a jet of water at them.

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