Eating Pigs Vagina

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"Oh yeah," I croak, feeling almost emotional as this is the last real challenge I'll ever face. "Wow, that's mad."

"And Jack left this morning. How is camp now?"

"Quiet, a little less fun, and I already miss him to pieces, but I need to win this food."

"Well, let us introduce the trial to you," Dec assures. "This is BushTucker Bonanza. Now in this trial, you will be presented with 10 different dishes, 5 good and 5 Bush specialities. Every Bush speciality you eat will win you a star. If you pick the nice dish, then you will forfeit the star. You have to win 5 stars, the first 3 are for main meals for camp, the 4th is for a drink and the 5th is for a treat."

"Obviously you don't have to do the trial, you can go back now but you will go back empty handed."

I shrug. "Not gonna happen. Let's do it!"

Sitting down in the wooden type armchair, I pull up to the table, placing my water bottle between my legs. Riling myself up when Ant and Dec present the first two cloches, the disgusting dish almost makes me gag.

"These, are turkey testicles. To win the star, you have to eat two."

They're like beige/grey coloured oval jelly beans, but thicker, smellier and more gloopy and slippery to hold. "Turkeys have testicles?" I ask, picking one up and putting it against my lips. "It stinks."

"And your dish from home, this, is a hamburger, chips and onion rings."

"I was literally saying before I came here how much I want a burger!" I whine, leaning and smelling the lovely burger patty. "Nope, take it away."

A ranger comes and collects the burger, taking it from the table. That loss of smell rumbles my stomach when I pull the plate of turkey organs towards me.

"Whenever you're ready Holly,"

Slipping the sack of meat and pus in my mouth, it squirts out some sort of liquid when I take the first bite. Chewing up the gristle on the outside of the skin, I try my best to swallow the rotten sick tasting pus in the middle.

"That's one, one more to go."

Chowing down on the second and last turkey testicle, I show an open mouth, still being able to taste the gritty texture in the back of my throat. "God that was horrible!"

"Well done Holly, that's a star for camp. This is the next dish."

A young ranger, dressed all in beige, brings out two different cloches. Unveiling them at the same time, the dirty dish reveals 4 dead scorpions surrounding some type of relish, whereas the nice dish is chilli con carné. "Oh my god that's my favourite!"

"Well, which do you want. The scorpion, or the chilli?"

"Scorpion, please." I hesitate, my mouth watering at the smell of the meat. The ranger, once again, removes the chilli from the table. Picking up one of the scorpions and admiring it, it's like a red, crusty, crackling paper texture, with its pincers our and tail curled. "The whole thing?"

"Yep," Dec assures. "The whole scorpion."

Closing my eyes, blanking my mind of all of the gross thoughts, I slip it into my mouth without thinking. Chewing so fast my jaw aches, I come to the realisation it tastes like cardboard. "It's awful, but not really awful."

"What does it taste like?"

"Cardboard." I nod, causing the presenters to laugh, but they give the thumbs up when I show an empty mouth. "Well done Holly,"

"Thanks," I please. "Come on then, next dish."

Consuming two more dishes, camel brain and a blended drink of mealworms, cockroaches and flies, while forfeiting a delicious roast dinner and strawberry trifle, I'm presented with the last dish.

"So, Holly. That's all 3 mains and a drink won for camp. This last one is for a treat. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I say hesitantly, watching the ranger bring out the veiled dishes. "Why do I feel as if this is going to be the worst one."

"Your dish from home is... profiteroles!"

Looking at the creamy spheres of pastry with cream and chocolate sauce, I can feel myself drooling. I've been craving chocolate for days on end. "Or, your BushTucker dish."

Taking the lid of the cloche away, it unveils a mushy mess, with a cocktail stick sticking out the top from some sort of pus.

"This is pigs vagina."

"What!" I gasp, my hands over my mouth. "No way?"

"Yep. Just eat the part on the cocktail stick."

Moving the profiteroles away, I twirl the stick, stuck into the centre of the dish. Pulling it out, a cuboid portion, crouton size, it's a cube of cooked flab and skin, with a pus type jelly inside. "I'm about to eat vagina."

"You are," Dec laughs. "Whenever you're ready Holly."

Crunching my eyes closed, I put the meaty substance in my mouth, pulling it from the stick with my teeth. "This is so gross!" I gag between chewing it, the pus getting inside my teeth and drizzling across my tongue.

"Go on, chew and swallow."

Taking an almighty final gulp, I open my mouth to show its empty. "I just ate, pigs, vagina!" I sigh, letting that final weight lay off of my shoulders, washing the taste away with the water. "I've never done that before!"

"Well done Holly, that's all 5 stars. You will all be eating a main meal tonight. Well done! And that's all of your BushTucker trials over."

"We'll let you go back to camp and tell the boys the news. Have a great final day and we will see you tomorrow morning."


Only two more chapters left! (I might do a few bonus chapters about life outside of the jungle if that's what you want. If you do, please comment down below!) Xx

Thank you to oreoluverrr for all the love and support Xx

Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon