(A/N) What's Happening

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Hey again!

It's been a long week of exams and I'm sorry about the wait, but I'm finally telling you all what I've decided about what's going to happen to this book.

LOADS of you have read this book and commented such lovely things. Since you all have been so nice, and loads of you really wanted this book to continue, then that's what I'm going to do.

However, I've decided that just during mock exam period, my GCSE's will have to come first and foremost. My exams have been going really well so far (except for Chemistry :/ ) but I miss the thrill of writing. So, on November 30th, this book will be up and running again.

Since Jack isn't in the jungle anymore, I need you guys to decide a male campmate (that's not Iain) to take Jack's place outside of the Jungle. If you can just comment on this chapter who you would like it to be. Then whoever gets the most votes for leaving will go.

I hope this is ok, and I'm sorry for the wait, but I've really missed writing for such amazing viewers, and I can't wait to get back on track!

Love you all loads,


Away From Reality - Jack Maynard - IM A CELEBRITY - COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ